It is a common misconception that vegetarians are automatically healthier than meat eaters. However, there are many factors that contribute to someone’s overall health, and diet is just one of them. Studies that compare the health of vegetarians and meat eaters are inconclusive, and the results vary depending on the study and the population studied.
In this article we will learn some interesting facts about the vegetarian vs meat eater debate, and whether vegetarians are healthier than meat eaters or if is that just a rumor.
Are vegetarians healthier than meat eaters?
It has long been believed that those who eat a plant-based diet (vegetarians or vegans) claim wonderful health benefits, including:
Vegetarian heart health
Vegetarians have a lower risk of developing heart disease. Meat eaters seem to have higher levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and higher blood pressure than vegetarians.
So, the vegetarian diet became the only diet proven to reverse heart disease, as it has heart disease reversal success stories.
However, a study published in The Lancet in October 2018 has argued that the health benefits of vegetarianism may be overstated. The study reviewed evidence from over 20 observational studies and found no link between vegetarianism and lower rates of heart disease, stroke, cancer, or death from any cause.
The average BMI of vegetarians is lower
Vegetarians also tend to have a lower body mass index, a lower risk of chronic disease, and a lower overall rate of cancer.
However, these health benefits are not necessarily true.
For example, although vegetarians tend to have a lower BMI, it is not necessarily because they eat less or exercise more. People who follow vegetarian diets are often more likely to be inactive and consume more alcohol than meat eaters.
Vegetarians live longer
Many large population studies have shown that vegetarians and vegans live longer than meat eaters. One study found that vegetarians live about seven years longer and vegans about fifteen years longer than meat eaters.
Experts and studies have shown that vegetarians are leaner than people who eat meat. Not only that, but vegetarians also have a healthier BMI, lower cholesterol, and better control of their blood pressure.
Certain nutrients are often lacking in vegetarian diets, including vitamin B12 and iron.
What is included vegetarian food list?
Plant-based diets like vegetarian and vegan are defined as those that do not include animal products, such as:
- Fruits (such as apples)
- Vegetables (such as carrots)
- Nuts and seeds (such as walnuts)
These foods provide you with all the necessary amino acids for optimal functioning of your body’s cells and organs. They also supply your body with antioxidants to help protect against diseases. - There are many different ways to combine these foods to meet your nutritional needs. For example, if you’re lactose intolerant, you may be able to enjoy dairy products, such as yogurt, by excluding the lactose and adding probiotics.
But according to a new study, this may not be the case.
Being a vegetarian may even increase the chances of suffering from certain health problems.
Reasons to stop eating meat
India has long been a hub of vegetarianism and veganism. The country’s 1.3 billion people, who make up 70% of the world’s vegetarians, are mostly lacto-vegetarians and avoid eggs, while vegans don’t consume any animal products.
India is home to the world’s largest vegan community, with 20 million practicing Hindus identifying as vegan or lacto-vegetarian.
While many vegetarians have:
Vegetarian diet to lower cholesterol
Numerous studies have shown that not eating meat can do wonders for your health, lowering your risk of heart disease.
Reducing your consumption of red and processed meats, full-fat dairy products, trans fats, and refined carbohydrates can help lower cholesterol and LDL levels that develop into heart disease.
- It’s estimated that over half of American adults will have a heart attack at some point in their lives.
- Every 40 seconds, someone in the U.S. has a myocardial infarction (heart attack), and every three minutes, someone dies from one.
- In 2014, over half a million Americans died from heart disease, making it the number one cause of death in both men and women.
A study published in the European Heart Journal found that people who eat the least amount of saturated fat have the lowest risk of death from any cause.
Brain health and Vegetarianism

As well as being good for your heart, the benefits of a vegetarian diet or plant-based diet go further. Your brain also benefits from a plant-based diet.
Studies have found that those who consume diets rich in plant foods have better cognitive function, including memory and processing speed.
Vegetarians enjoy better brain health than meat-eaters, according to a study published in the journal Nutrients.
The study found that vegetarians have a lower risk of developing:
- Dementia.
- Alzheimer’s disease.
- They have a better memory than meat-eaters.
- Have a lower risk of depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder.
A good example of how a plant-based diet can benefit your brain is the Mediterranean diet, which is popular among people living in areas with long, hot summers. These areas include southern Europe and parts of North Africa.
People in these areas often eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, olives, and olive oil.
However, take care because there are some suggestions that a vegan diet can cause brain damage in children, although this field needs further studies.
Vegetarian diet weight loss
A vegetarian diet does not include meat or fish. Some people choose a vegetarian diet for ethical reasons, while others do so for health reasons.
A vegetarian diet can be healthy and nutritious, but it is important to make sure that you are getting all the nutrients your body needs. If you are thinking about starting a vegetarian diet, here are some tips to help you get started.
Vegetarian food
Many people choose to eat a vegetarian diet for ethical, environmental, or health reasons. In fact, in India, vegetarianism is considered more respectable than it is in many other countries. However, it is important to note that not all vegetarians eat the same and some vegetarians do eat meat.
Vegetarians can eat many different types of food. You can find vegetarian foods in most grocery stores.
Some popular vegetarian foods include fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans.
So, what can vegetarians eat? Well, there are hundreds of vegetarian foods available.
- Vegetables like tomatoes, cucumber, potatoes, peppers, and eggplant contain a compound called choline.
- All kinds of fruits including strawberries, apples, bananas, oranges, mangoes, and many more.
- Fiber-rich foods like legumes (beans, chickpeas, lentils, peas) and whole-grain rice and bread.
- Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage) and their cruciferous cousins, such as bok choy.
- Nuts, seeds, and their butter (almonds, walnuts, pistachios, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds).
- Vegetarian proteins including legumes, soy, nuts, seeds, tempeh, seitan to mushrooms, and algae
- Non-dairy milk (almond, rice, oat, coconut, hemp, and flaxseed are some good options)
You can find delicious vegan versions of your favorite foods.
Another great thing about being a vegetarian is that you can eat almost anything with it.
You can substitute meat and fish for beans, grains, nuts, fruits, and vegetables.
What is better to avoid on a vegetarian diet, although it’s allowed?
While many people are familiar with the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables, it may not be immediately clear that some types of food can be harmful or fatal to some people.
In general, people should avoid foods that contain significant amounts of the following:
- Refined oils such as corn, safflower, and sunflower.
- Added sugar and foods high in added fructose (fructose found naturally in fruit or added to many processed foods).
- Trans fats are found in many processed foods and fast foods.
These foods will sabotage your weight loss efforts and lead to hormonal imbalance, inflammatory conditions, and disease. Follow the guidelines above and you’ll be well on your way to losing weight while improving your overall health and wellbeing.
Some other specific types of food that are restricted for various reasons include: shellfish, such as oysters and mussels; all yeast-based products, such as breads, pastries, and pizzas; and all forms of caffeine, including coffee, tea, cola, and chocolate
What can’t vegetarians eat
What vegetarians do not eat:
- Meat.
- Poultry.
- Fish.
- Some vegetarians also do not eat eggs, dairy products, or other animal-derived products. The reasons for following a vegetarian diet are varied but include ethical and environmental concerns. While a vegetarian diet can be healthy, it is important to be aware of potential nutrient deficiencies. Common nutrient deficiencies in vegetarians include iron, vitamin B12, and omega-3 fatty acids.
Negative effects of vegetarianism
A vegetarian diet has some definite disadvantages and negative side effects.
- Nutritional deficiencies are common in vegetarians and can be especially dangerous if not addressed.
- Vegetarianism is also associated with an increased risk of some types of cancer.
- Omega-3 fatty acids are important for heart health, and vegetarians may be at a disadvantage in terms of their intake of these fatty acids.
- Iron deficiency is also common in vegetarians, and can lead to anemia.
For all of these reasons, it is important to consult with a physician before starting a vegetarian diet. He or she can help you assess your individual needs and make sure that you are getting all the nutrients you need to stay healthy.
It is important to consult with a physician or nutritionist to ensure that you are getting all the nutrients you need to be healthy.
There are many vegetarian diets available that are healthy and nutritious.
What do vegetarians eat for protein?
There are a variety of sources of protein for vegetarians, including:
- Legumes like beans, and lentils.
- Nuts like hazelnuts, walnuts, and peanuts.
- Seeds, and tofu.
- Some vegetarians also eat eggs and dairy products, which are also good sources of protein.
While there is some debate on the subject, many studies have shown that vegetarians are generally healthier than meat eaters, with lower rates of heart disease, obesity, and cancer.
Frequently asked questions
Why eating meat is healthier than being a vegetarian?
There are several reasons why eating meat is healthier than being a vegetarian.
- First, meat provides a complete source of protein, which is essential for muscle growth and repair.
- Second, meat is a good source of vitamins and minerals, including iron, zinc, and vitamin B12.
- Third, meat is a good source of healthy fats, which are necessary for proper hormone production and cell function.
- Finally, meat is easier to digest than plant-based proteins, making it a more efficient source of nutrition.
Which is easier to digest? Meat or plant-based proteins?
Meat is easier to digest than plant-based proteins, making it a more efficient source of nutrition. However, the digestibility of meat varies depending on many factors:
- The type of meat.
- How it is prepared.
Protein from some plant-based sources is more digestible than protein from meat. This is because plant-based proteins are broken down into smaller peptides and amino acids, which the body can easily absorb.
However, there are some exceptions to this rule. For example, some plant-based proteins, such as soy, are high in fiber, which can cause problems with digestion. In addition, some meats, such as lamb, have high levels of tannins, which can also make them difficult to digest.
Related: Plant-based omega-3 vs fish oil Which Is Better?
Do vegetarians live longer than meat eaters?
Till now, there is conflicting evidence to find out whether or not vegetarians live longer than meat eaters.
Some studies have shown that vegetarians tend to live longer, while other studies have found no difference in lifespan between vegetarians and meat eaters.
However, there is evidence to suggest that vegetarians are generally healthier than meat eaters, with lower rates of obesity, heart disease, and cancer. So while we don’t know for sure if vegetarians live longer, we do know that they tend to be healthier.
Who is healthier, vegetarian or nonvegetarian?
There is no clear consensus on whether vegetarians or nonvegetarians are healthier.
Some studies suggest that vegetarians are healthier, while others find no difference between the two groups.
Both vegetarians and nonvegetarians can likely be healthy, depending on the quality of their diets.
Are vegetarians physically weaker?
Things like that depend on many factors including:
- The daily meal plan vegetarians and meat-eaters consume daily and the nutrients acquired through the meals.
- The amount of protein consumed and the source of protein.
- Daily physical activity.
- Gender: No doubt, women’s physical strength is lower than men’s.
Related: 9 Vegan protein sources
Some people believe that vegetarians are at a higher risk of nutrient deficiency because they do not consume the protein and other nutrients found in meat.
However, others argue that vegetarians are healthier because they consume less saturated fat and cholesterol.
The truth is that there is no clear answer.
Some vegetarians are healthy, while others are not. The same can be said of meat eaters. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to make the decision that is best for their health.
Why is it good to become a vegetarian?
There are several reasons why more and more people are choosing to become vegetarians.
Vegetarian environmental impact
For one, it is increasingly clear that meat production is having a detrimental effect on the environment.
Raising animals for food requires a lot of land, water, and other resources, and the resulting greenhouse gas emissions are a major contributor to climate change.
Ethical reasons to be vegetarian
In addition, many people are concerned about the ethical treatment of animals raised for food, and choosing to avoid meat is one way to reduce demand for these products.
Becoming vegetarian for health reasons
Finally, there is growing evidence that a vegetarian diet can be healthier than one that includes meat, as it is typically lower in saturated fat and cholesterol and higher in fiber and other nutrients.
Whether for ethical, environmental, or health reasons, it is clear that vegetarianism is on the rise.
While it is true that vegetarian diets tend to be lower in saturated fat and cholesterol, they may also be lacking in certain nutrients that are found in animal products.
It is important to remember that everyone is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. There are many healthy options for both vegetarians and meat eaters alike, so it is up to each individual to make the best choices for their health.