10 Immunity Booster Foods For Winter

Some Immunity booster foods can help us go through winter without catching cold and flu frequently. Thus these foods benefit our bodies in amazing ways.

However, foods that boost immunity are packed with other countless benefits like being anti-oxidants, providing vitamins and adjusting blood sugar.

In this article, we will talk about 10 quick immunity booster foods that will be an excellent addition to your diet and to work as prophylaxis not just from cold and flu but also from other countless diseases.

Immunity booster foods:

Eating certain foods that boost the immune system may help keep your body stronger, thus it may protect you from some illnesses, including winter cold and flu. Here are some foods which will boost your immune system:

1- Garlic

Immunity Booster Foods
Immunity Booster Foods

Garlic can fight infections, viruses, bacteria and fungi.

Also, garlic can help lower blood sugar which makes it the best immunity booster foods for diabetic patients. Besides, it slows hardening of the arteries which may help you avoid developing heart diseases.

Garlic’s immune-boosting properties are because of the high concentration of sulfur-containing compounds, like allicin.

Also, it is used widely as an immunity booster food supplement.

Check out how to form a diabetic food exchange list to lead you to the best alternatives in diabetic diet.

2- Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C and include: grapefruit, oranges, tangerines, lemons, clementines et al. 

Vitamin C can help strengthen the immune system, also people believe it increases the count of white blood cells, which help fight infections.  However, lots of people use it as a treatment of first cold and flu signs when there are no signs of secondary infections that need antibiotics.

Even though, vitamin C ingestion through the complete course of illness can make recovery faster.

Since our body doesn’t produce or store vitamin C, you can avoid vitamin C deficiency by taking vitamin C supplements daily. In fact, the average daily recommended intake of vitamin C according to (NIH) National Institute of Health is 90 mg for men and 75 mg for women. 

3- Broccoli and spinach

Broccoli is rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins A, C and E, also as many other antioxidants and fiber, and it’s one among the healthiest vegetables. However, it’s better to make it like half-done to preserve the benefits.

As for spinach, it contains many antioxidants and beta-carotene, which can increase the infection-fighting capacity of your system.

And like broccoli, spinach is healthier when cooked as little as possible in order that it retains nutrients. However, light cooking boosts vitamin A and allows other nutrients to be transported from ethanedioic acid.

4- Red bell pepper

Red bell pepper contains twice the maximum amount of vitamin C as citrus fruits. Also, it’s a rich source of beta-carotene.

Also, vitamin C may help boosting your immune system and maintain healthy skin. Beta-carotene helps keep your skin clean.

5- Ginger

Ginger is one of the strong anti-inflammatory foods which can help reduce sore throats and other inflammatory diseases. 

Also, ginger may help relieve nausea and chronic pain. Besides, ginger may possess cholesterol-lowering properties and which is beneficial for individuals who are suffering from heart diseases.

Check out whether high cholesterol foods cause arteriosclerosis.

6- Almonds

Almonds contain Vitamin E that is healthy for the immune system. It is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning that it needs fats to be absorbed properly. However, the body can store vitamin E as it’s fat soluble in contrast to water-soluble vitamins.

Nuts, including almonds, are one of the immunity booster dry foods. Besides, they are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. 

Thus, it can protect you from catching cold and flu.

7- Turmeric

Turmeric benefits are countless, it is the bright yellow bitter spice Indians used for years as an anti-inflammatory in the treatment of both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Also, researchers proved that high concentrations of curcumin, which give turmeric its distinctive yellow color, can help reduce muscle soreness after performing exercises.

Check out more about factors that cause chronic inflammation.

Check out other posts on Health foods:

8- Chicken

When you catch cold chicken soup is more than just an excellent food choice with a placebo effect. 

However, it helps improve cold symptoms as it provides you with the fluids your body needs.  

Besides, chicken soup helps to protect you from getting sick in the first place if you drink it regularly.

Also, poultry such as chicken and turkey, is rich in Vitamin B6.

Vitamin B6 plays an important role in many of the chemical reactions that occur in the body. It is also vital for the formation of new, healthy red blood cells.

However, chicken broth made from boiled chicken bones contains gelatin, chondroitin and other nutrients useful for healing the intestines and strengthening your immunity.

9- Green tea

Green tea contains flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants, besides, it contains high levels of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a powerful antioxidant. Studies proved that EGCG can boost immune system function.

Also, green tea is rich in the amino acid L-theanine that may help boost immunity, fight cancer, control blood pressure and improve sleep quality.

In addition, green tea is effective in reducing weight, check out how.

10- Eggs:

Immunity Booster Foods
Immunity Booster Foods

In addition to eggs being a rich source of protein it also contains vitamin D that protects the body from influenza virus.

Also, eggs are popular superfoods which is rich in vitamin A, vitamin B and choline.

See what else included in the superfoods list.

Plus, vitamin D regulates calcium and phosphorus levels in the body which makes your bones healthier and stronger.

Immune boost foods for sinus infection

Many suffer from sinusitis symptoms especially in winter. Fortunately, there are many herbs that can boost immunity and relieve most of sinusitis symptoms. These foods include the following choices:

  • Seafood is rich in omega-3 like oily fish, or you may take it as supplements.
  • Herbal drinks such as chamomile, green tea, and licorice.
  • Carrots and tomatoes, preferably in the form of juice.
  • Ginger can be added as spices to food while cooking in controlled quantities or consumed as a drink.
  • Raw onions contain more quercetin and are hypoallergenic, so try to include them in your daily diet like in salads.
  • Garlic with clove decoction every morning is the best choice for boosting the immune system.
  • Honey is rich in health benefits for the body and strengthening immunity if consumed daily.
  • Apples, when eaten every day, reduce symptoms such as sneezing.
  • Turmeric helps reduce seasonal allergy symptoms at a faster rate due to curcumin.
  • Grapes help relieve sinus swelling and nasal congestion.
  • Pineapple slices two or three times a week during times of allergy.
  • Broccoli once or twice a week helps improve allergy symptoms.

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As we can see, Immunity Booster Foods owe their protective properties to the essential vitamins and minerals they contain.

Although some multi-vitamins and supplements may be good alternatives that can provide you with the same elements, still getting them naturally is better. So focus on what you include daily on your plate and make sure you follow a healthy diet.

Check out what we exactly mean by Healthy diet.