Does decaf coffee make you sleepy

Does decaf coffee make you sleepy

Decaffeinated coffee is the ordinary coffee beans that are exposed to the caffeine extraction process. However, after caffeine extraction, the beans are not entirely caffeine free, as the process succeeds only to extract 97% of the total caffeine content.

But, on further extraction, the beans become caffeine free by almost 99%, which leaves a tiny amount (7 mg caffeine/cup) V.S. coffee (70-140 mg/cup).

This coffee twist is the solution for coffee lovers who’d like to enjoy more cups of coffee on their day without getting into the nasty effects caffeine offer. So, for instance, if you limit your caffeine intake to a certain number of coffee cups per day, you can prepare them half caffeinated to enjoy double the amount with no guilt.

In this article, we will walk you through the process of caffeine extraction, and benefits and side effects of decaffeinated coffee, Also, we will point to the individuals who are better to go with the decaffeinated choice rather than the ordinary coffee. Then let’s start.

Does decaf coffee make you sleepy

Some may say decaf coffee makes me tired and dizzy but Does decaf coffee make you sleepy?

No, decaffeinated coffee cannot make you sleepy, also, it depends more on your physiological response and the amount of caffeine your body used to get daily.

Why does coffee make me sleepy?

So, if you used to drink regular coffee daily, and switched once to decaf coffee, then you might feel sleepy as your body will need the same amount of caffeine daily to have the same level of energy.

Does decaf coffee keep you awake?

It depends on your response to the tiny amount of caffeine in the coffee. In fact, decaffeinated coffee contains 7 mg per cup vs ordinary coffee that contains 70-140 mg/cup. However, if you used to drink ordinary daily, then, decaffeinated coffee won’t stimulate your nervous system, and you will still need a cup of coffee to feel energized. On the other hand, if you do not drink coffee daily, you may feel that decaf coffee makes you feel energetic.

Also, it may depend on other factors like the amount of caffeine present in that brand you drink. Besides, keep in mind you may be biased by placebo effect, like thinking that that cup of decaf coffee can make you awake.

Does decaf coffee taste different?

Actually, it has the same taste as regular coffee, however, the taste and smell are milder. So, it may not give you the same feeling of joy if you are a coffee addict. But still, it can be the best alternative if you reached your caffeine limit and still craving another cup of coffee.

How is caffeine removed from coffee

In fact, the caffeine extraction process isn’t a deeply difficult process that requires a high technicality. Though, there are several ways for caffeine extraction that follow the same principle and differ just in the solvent used. So, the main idea depends on moisturizing coffee beans first and then, exposing it to a solvent that can extract caffeine.

  • Using the benzene solvent:

This is one of the oldest methods people use before to extract caffeine from the beans. However, this method isn’t used anymore as benzene residues can increase cancer risk.

  • Using methylene chloride solvent: 

In contrast to benzene, The FDA marks this solvent as safe. Moreover, it’s highly volatile, especially when brewing the coffee beans, so there is no chance to leave its residues that affect health.

  • Using the ethyl acetate solvent:

Ethyl acetate is a natural compound present naturally in wild berries and apple. Then, using it as a solvent is safe even more than methylene chloride solvent.

  • Organic solvent:

In this method, the solvent extracts caffeine indirectly. As coffee beans are soaked first in water. Then, an organic solvent is used to extract caffeine dissolved in the soaking water.

Does decaf coffee make you sleepy
Does decaf coffee make you sleepy

Decaffeinated coffee benefits:

Fortunately, just like ordinary coffee, decaffeinated coffee still retains most of the raw coffee beans benefits.

  • Fights cancer:

Decaffeinated coffee contains strong antioxidants like (caffeic acid) and (ferulic acid). These components are still present in the coffee beans after the extraction process. So, like all antioxidants, these acids protect the body from free radicals and decrease cancer risk.

Another healthy component left after the extraction process is (chlorogenic acid). Fortunately, this acid works by decreasing the release of glucose in the blood, resulting in lower blood sugar levels. Consequently, lower blood sugar levels means lower insulin levels.

Indeed, avoiding sugar spikes makes it hard for diabetes to attack your body through insulin resistance.

Learn more about How To Avoid Sugar Spikes That Make You Gain Weight.

  • Causes less acid reflux effect than ordinary coffee:

Fortunately, the absence of caffeine in decaf coffee makes it less acidic, so, it has a much lower acidic effect on the stomach.

  • Improves liver function:

Decaffeinated coffee suppresses the release of liver enzymes and contributes to better liver health and function.

  • Natural anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal:

Studies proved that plants use chlorogenic acid as a protective weapon against bacteria, viruses, and fungi. However, studies proved that it has the same effect on humans. Also, studies proved that di-caffeoylquinic acid has a therapeutic effect against (AIDS).

Moreover, Trigonelline improves teeth health and fight caries by preventing (streptococcus mutants) bacteria (the main cause of caries) from sticking to teeth.

Studies proved that ferulic acid has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, especially on the brain. Furthermore, it decreases the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Downsides of decaf coffee:

  • Increases cholesterol levels:

Studies proved that decaffeinated coffee increases blood cholesterol levels more than ordinary coffee.

The reason is that decaff coffee is made from beans type that differs from the one used to prepare regular coffee.

However, we make the decaf coffee from (Robusta) beans that have a stronger flavor than (Arabica), the one that we make from the regular coffee.

Despite that, decaffeinated coffee also increases HDL (the good cholesterol) that helps protect from heart diseases.

  • Increases rheumatoid arthritis risk:

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that affects joints causing pain. Although inflammation is the main cause of this disease and coffee has an anti-inflammatory effect, studies shown that decaf affects the disease negatively.

So, studies proved that this effect has a direct link to the caffeine extraction method and the solvent that extract caffeine.

Who is better to go with decaffeinated coffee?

Coffee still has its place as the first best hot beverage. However, some people with special cases are better to shift to the decaffeinated option.

  1. Individuals taking anti-anxiety drugs, as some drugs interact with caffeine.
  2. Pregnant women, as caffeine can easily pass the placenta reaching the fetus and affects it negatively.
  3. Children and adults must limit their caffeine intake to avoid unpleasant effects like insomnia and anxiety.

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