What to Add on Your Sleep Hygiene Checklist

Using a sleep hygiene checklist is a great way to make sure that you are getting enough sleep and are taking the right steps to ensure that you are sleeping well. There are many different things that you can do to ensure that you are getting a good night’s sleep. You should make sure that you are drinking enough water before you go to bed and that you are avoiding bright lights and noise in the bedroom.

In this article we will talk in details about the main points that you should include on your sleep hygiene checklist.

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Electronic devices emit blue light

Whether you’re using an e-reader, smartphone, tablet, or laptop, electronic devices emit blue light during sleep. Studies have shown that the light can interfere with your sleep, reduce the amount of REM sleep you get, and even affect your circadian rhythm.

Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the impact of blue light during sleep, such as blue light filtering apps and filters.

Research has found that light-emitting devices, such as smartphones and e-readers, delay the release of melatonin, a hormone that helps your body prepare for sleep. Melatonin is critical to your body’s circadian rhythm, which helps you stay awake during the day and asleep at night.

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Avoid bright lights in your room

Taking the time to find out how to avoid bright lights in your bedroom can go a long way towards achieving a restful night’s sleep. Although we’re not going to get into the nitty gritty of sleep science, ensuring you get the recommended seven to nine hours of restful sleep every night is a good start. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to help you sleep better without forcing you to sacrifice your budget.

The best way to avoid bright lights in your bedroom is to go all out and get rid of any obtrusive electronic devices that may be obstructing your rest. For example, plug in a USB charger in a charging dock instead of your bedside table, or place a blackout curtain over your windows.

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Keep the bedroom cool

Keeping your bedroom cool is good for a number of reasons. It allows you to sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed. And in some cases, it can save you a bundle of cash. It also prevents you from overheating, which can lead to stress.

For some reason, a hot bedroom has a bad rap. The temperature may make you sleep better, but it can also raise stress levels. The National Sleep Foundation recommends a cool room temperature of between 60 and 67 degrees F. A cool room also prevents bacteria from growing, which is great news if you’re trying to get a good night’s sleep.

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Drink enough water before bedtime

Generally, drinking enough water before bedtime can have a positive effect on your health. But you also need to watch your water intake carefully because you might end up getting dehydrated. This can cause problems such as insomnia and headaches. It can also contribute to weight gain, decreased mental function, and high blood pressure. To keep track of your water intake, download a water reminder app.

Another option is to drink some milk before bedtime. Although it doesn’t provide the same effect as water, it can help you sleep better. If you’re a vegan, try almond or coconut milk. You can also try a drink with electrolytes.

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Avoid noise before bedtime

Creating a quiet bedroom environment is an important part of good sleep hygiene. Not only does it help you relax before bed, it also helps you to get a good night’s sleep. Having a quiet room is also a good way to protect yourself against unwanted noise. Noise can interfere with your sleep cycles, making it hard to fall asleep. If you are sensitive to noise, it may take some time to learn how to relax and let it go.

In addition to creating a quiet environment in your bedroom, you should also avoid noise before bedtime. Noise can be especially disruptive to sleep if it is made early in the morning. It is important to avoid noise that comes from electronic devices, such as televisions, radios and cell phones. Blue light from these devices can also interfere with your sleep.