The Benefits of Drinking Matcha Everyday

Recently, matcha tea has become very popular, whether as tea, latte, or sweets that have appeared in health stores and even cafes. In fact, the benefits of matcha made it a superstar in all health shows and magazines, which made people ask, “What is matcha?” And what are matcha benefits?

Matcha’s color is green due to chlorophyll and that’s what gave Matcha latte the characteristic color, even after adding milk. In this article, we will answer all these questions to give you the complete picture of that magical healthy drink.

6 Benefits of Drinking Matcha Everyday

After that, farmers harvest the leaves, then steam and dry it, after that they place it in a thermal oven for 20 minutes. After that, the workers remove all the stem, twigs and unwanted parts, and grind the leaves into powder.

In studies of matcha and its compounds, scientists have revealed many benefits. They have shown that it helps protect the liver, improve heart health and also aid in losing weight. What are Matcha tea benefits: 

Matcha is rich in antioxidants

Matcha tea acts as an antioxidant that helps stabilize harmful free radicals, which are compounds that destroy cells and cause chronic diseases. However, when you add matcha powder to hot water to make tea it will be rich in all nutrients present in Leaves, as the content of catechins and antioxidants will be more than soaking green tea leaves in water.

Benefits of Drinking Matcha Everyday
Benefits of Drinking Matcha Everyday
  • In fact, the estimated number of catechins in matcha tea is 137 times more than in green tea
  • Research has shown that giving mice matcha supplements may reduce the damage caused by free radicals and enhance antioxidant activity.
  • Adding matcha to the diet increases antioxidant intake, which may help prevent cell damage and reduce the incidence of many chronic diseases. 

Check 10 immunity booster foods rich in antioxidants.

Matcha reduces anxiety and improves mood

Everyone needs to relax, but it is difficult to be relax when your mind is busy, so to help in this case, matcha must be added to the diet.

Surprisingly, matcha is an excellent source of l-theanine, which is an amino acid that may help relieve anxiety and tension And improve relaxation. 

The daily safe dose of theanine for adults is 200–400 milligrams twice a day, as there are 14.26 milligrams of l-theanine per 1 gram of matcha. L-Litenin not only improves feelings and helps you calm and relax, but also it increases dopamine and serotonin secretion.

Dopamine and serotonin are hormones responsible for the pleasure feeling you experience. So drinking matcha tea may be the best choice if you want to improve your mood.

Also, matcha improves cognitive functions such as memory and concentration.

Match improves heart health

Matcha is an amazing drink that protects from heart disease

In general, consuming green tea has been associated with protecting the heart and reducing the risk of various diseases.
The same goes for drinking matcha as well because it contains similar substances like caffeine and anti-oxidants.

Reduce cancer risk

Matcha tea contains antioxidants called EGCg, which have a role in reducing the risk of cancer and various tumors.
Some scientific studies found that these antagonists work to prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body, but more studies and scientific research are needed in this area.

Also, Matcha has a strong role in cancer prevention. It contains an antioxidant called catechins, which may have anti-tumor properties.

Some laboratory studies indicate that antioxidants may help prevent cancer growth, but more studies are necessary to confirm this potential effect. Studies on humans indicate that a large intake of Matcha may prevent the development of certain types of cancers, such as bladder cancer.

Matcha benefits for weight loss

Matcha tea without added sugar or cream contains low calories, therefore, it improves the metabolism in the body, which helps prevent the storage of fats in the body.

Check out more articles about weight loss:

Boosts immunity

The antioxidant not only works to lose weight and improves skin but also improves immunity as it helps to destroy free radicals that cause inflammation and destroy cells.

In fact, high free radicals in the body may lead to inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and cerebral diseases such as stroke, and even disorders Neurotransmitters such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

Benefits of Matcha tea for skin and hair health

  • Matcha is one of the most popular ingredients used in the beauty world, thanks to its benefits that positively affect skin and hair health. 
  • Antioxidants and chlorophyll, present in matcha powder, promote blood circulation in the body and give you a young face and strong hair. 

From here, we will explain the benefits of matcha for skin and hair, in addition to natural mixtures that you can prepare from it.

Benefit of Matcha tea for the skin

  • Matcha cleanses the skin from deep inside as it contains chlorophyll which helps cleanse the skin in depth removing toxins and dirt.
  • Matcha works on evening the skin: It helps exfoliate the skin and remove dead skin, which makes your face fresh and glowing.
  • Fights wrinkles: Matcha is high in vitamins A and C and antioxidants that work to fight wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Matcha makes the skin radiant it contains antioxidants that clear the skin of harmful free radicals. This helps increase blood flow, resulting in radiant and glowing skin.
  • Matcha fights acne: it works as an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory, as it contains chlorophyll, which helps fight pimples and acne.
  • Treats dark circles: The caffeine in matcha can treat dark circles under the eyes, for more radiant skin. Also, this ingredient helps reduce puffy eyes.
  • Protects the skin from the sun’s rays: Matcha contains polyphenols that protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays.
  • Reduces sebum secretion of oily skin: which benefits skin especially those with oily skin, as it works to reduce the production of excess secretions of natural oils that clog pores.

Natural mixtures of Matcha for the skin

There are many natural mixes that contain matcha, which will help give you fresh, youthful and clean skin alike. Here are some recipes:

Mixture of matcha and honey

  • Mix one teaspoon of Matcha tea powder with ¾ teaspoon of honey.
  • Apply the mixture to the face and neck and leave it for 15 minutes.
  • Remove it with a cloth dampened in warm water.

Mixture of matcha and aloe vera gel

  • Mix a teaspoon of matcha powder with a little aloe vera gel to get a cohesive mixture.
  • Apply the mask to the face and neck for 15 minutes or more.
  • Remove with a washcloth soaked in warm water.

Mixture of matcha and coconut oil

  • Mix two teaspoons of matcha tea powder with half a teaspoon of coconut oil.
  • Add some drops of water and make sure that the mixture stays together. Apply it to the face and neck for 15 minutes or more.
  • Remove with a washcloth soaked in warm water.

Mixture of matcha with rose water

  • Put one tablespoon of rose water and two tablespoons of aloe vera gel first in a bowl.
  • Add to them a teaspoon of natural matcha powder and mix them together well. You can also add any natural oil to the mixture.
  • Keep the mixture in a small bottle, and do not forget to shake it well before each use, so that the mixture is mixed.

Benefits of Matcha for hair

Matcha promotes hair growth

This ingredient contains vitamin E, which helps with blood flow to the scalp. This leads to nourishing, strengthening and promoting hair growth.

Matcha treats scalp infections

Since this ingredient acts as an anti-inflammatory, this means that it is able to reduce scalp irritation caused by any inflammation or allergy.

Matcha fights dandruff

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, matcha powder eliminates dandruff.

Natural mixes of matcha for hair

Benefits of Drinking Matcha Everyday
Benefits of Drinking Matcha Everyday

There are many natural blends that contain matcha powder, which help in nourishing hair and promoting its growth. Here are the two main recipes:

How much matcha per cup?

In the following recipe we will add 6 tbsp of matcha powder for 3 cups, which means 2 tbsp of matcha per cup.

Matcha mix

  1. Soak 3 bags of matcha in a cup of hot water.
  2. Leave the tea to cool down and wash your hair with it after using shampoo.
  3. This mixture will help cleanse the scalp, stimulate follicles, and remove dandruff.

Mixture of Matcha powder and coconut oil

  1. Beat one egg and mix with one tablespoon of coconut oil and one matcha powder.
  2. Apply this mask to your hair for 15 minutes before shampooing as usual.
  3. Repeat this recipe once a week, for healthy and strong hair.
  4. Besides applying masks to skin and hair, you can benefit from matcha by drinking tea from it and applying products that contain it. Here’s how to prepare matcha and skin and hair care products based on this ingredient.

Frequent asked questions about matcha

Can matcha cause diarrhea?

Yes, the caffeine in Matcha affects the digestive system in many ways. First, it may make the digestive system organs attract more fluid, and thus increase the amount of water lost when defecating. It might also stimulate bowel movement more than usual.

What is Matcha?

Matcha is the tea people in China and Japan enjoyed for hundreds of years. Matcha powder is made of matcha leaves and it is more powerful than regular tea. 

Two weeks before harvest, farmers built around the plants to shade them, and leave them in the dark, because they believe that it makes the leaves thinner, sweeter and bright. 

How much matcha is too much?

As for excessive drinking of Matcha, it is believed that drinking more than three cups per day is dangerous because of the caffeine present in it in the first place.

Generally, Matcha is suitable for adults when drunk in moderate quantities. Additionally, this type of tea appears to be LIKELY SAFE for a large number of people when taken orally or during topical contact on the skin for a short period of time.

Does matcha have caffeine?

One of the most important questions people may ask, which is the amount of caffeine in matcha tea vs green tea.

Matcha contains lots of nutrients within its leaves including caffeine and antioxidants which are present in greater concentrations than green tea.

How Matcha is made?


How to prepare

  • Put the water in a saucepan over medium heat. 
  • Cover and let it boil.
  • Add matcha tea over the boiling water and keep stirring until ingredients blend and leave to boil for seconds.
  • Pour matcha tea into a cup and it’s ready.
  • You may drink it daily, however, take care not to overdo it.

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