9 Surprising Dairy-free Snacks for Babies

Dairy-free snacks for babies

Some babies cannot drink natural milk as they are allergic to the sugar lactose, so, you may think there are not enough options of dairy-free snacks that suit infants. Actually, you are wrong, there are plenty of them, however, we will mention only 9 of these options.

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9 Dairy-free snacks for babies

Doctors stress the importance of giving food according to the needs of the child, and no more than his needs because of the risks of a large amount of food on the child at this age.

Unfortunately, babies may experience un pleasant symptoms if they feed too much or ingest food they are allergic to including gluten, like:

The consultant pediatrician stressed not to intervene if the child receives his food through breastfeeding, but this list of foods best suited for children who feed on artificial milk.

The pediatric consultant provided a range of age-appropriate foods from 4 to 6 months:


There are some types which are dairy free.

Also, because it is a light snack on the baby’s stomach that digest easily.

Fruit puree

Baby food has come a long way in recent years, with parents now opting for healthier and more innovative options. One such option is fruit puree, which can be made at home with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Not only is this a healthy snack for babies, but it can also be a great way to introduce them to new flavors. Here are some tips on how to make fruit puree for your little one.

Apple cider juice

Apple cider juice is a great way to get your baby’s daily dose of fruits and vegetables. It’s also a healthy snack option for toddlers and kids. Here’s how to make your own apple cider juice at home.


  1. 1 cup apple cider
  2. 1 cup cold water


  1. In a small pot, combine apple cider and cold water.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat.
  3. Lower the heat and simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and let cool.
  5. Store apple cider juice in a sealed container in the fridge.

Scrambled eggs

Most parents introduce solid foods to their babies around 6 months old. At this age, they have usually developed the coordination to sit up and start picking up small objects.

And, according to most pediatricians, scrambled eggs are a great first food for babies. They’re easy to make, full of nutrients, and can be served with a variety of other foods.

Dairy-free apple pie

While you may not think of apple pie as a health food, this dairy-free version is actually a great snack for babies. Made with whole wheat flour, this apple pie is packed with nutrients and fiber.

It’s also a good source of protein, thanks to the almond milk. Serve this apple pie as a healthy snack for your little one or as part of a healthy meal.

Mashed potatoes

While many parents see mashed potatoes as a healthy and easy way to introduce their baby to solid foods, some experts are now saying that the dish may not be the best option.

According to a new study, mashed potatoes may be linked to an increased risk of obesity in babies. The study’s authors say that this is likely due to the high starch content in potatoes, which can lead to weight gain.

If you’re considering giving your baby mashed potatoes, be sure to talk to your pediatrician first.

Mashed carrots

If you’re looking for a nutritious and tasty snack for your baby, try mashed carrots. Carrots are a good source of vitamins A and C, and they’re also low in calories.

You can make a simple mashed carrot dish by boiling or steaming carrots until they’re soft, then mashing them with a fork or blending them in a food processor.

Add a little water or breast milk to thin out the mixture, if needed. Season with salt and pepper to taste, and serve immediately.

Coconut yogurt

For years, we have been led to believe that cow’s milk is the best source of nutrition for babies. However, recent studies have shown that coconut yogurt may be a healthier option for infants.
Coconut yogurt is packed with nutrients and probiotics that can help support a baby’s immune system and digestive health.
Plus, it’s a great source of healthy fats and calories for growing babies. If you’re looking for a nutritious snack for your little one, coconut yogurt is a great option.

dairy free baby snacks 6 months
dairy free baby snacks 6 months

Vegetable slices

Vegetables of all kinds, broccoli, green cabbage, legumes, carrots, potatoes, or zucchini prepared in a vegetable soup.

Moms can introduce vegetables gradually into the vegetable soup.

However, if the child does not develop intestinal upset, these vegetables can make a wonderful soup for babies.

The most suitable fruits for an infant of this age are apples and have a puree or juice.

Dairy free food for babies

Breastmilk and/or lactose-free formula should be your baby’s primary sources of nutrition. Cooled boiled water is the best drink to provide if other drinks are not available.

Baby fluids are unnecessary and will foster your baby’s sugar tooth.

Tea and any other caffeine beverages are not on the food and drinks list for newborns or small children. In fact, drinking any drink containing even trace amounts of caffeine inhibits iron absorption from their diet.

Infants and lactose intolerance

In fact, lactose is present in breastmilk and regular infant formula (produced from cow’s milk, as well as goat’s and sheep’s milk).

Even though babies under 6 months do not need any food except milk, still moms can introduce smooth snacks appropriate to their age. Therefore, if your baby is allergic to lactose you must consider Dairy-free snacks for babies that you can make easily at home

Lactose intolerance in babies is usually a temporary issue. It usually comes after a bad attack of gastroenteritis (stomach bug) and can stay for up to 2-4 months.

However, babies should follow a Lactose-free diet only if the symptoms cause the newborn significant suffering (e.g. crying, pain, nappy rash, etc.)

Although milk is a strong source of calcium, some people are allergic to the proteins present in its products or their digestive system does not tolerate lactose.

Dairy-free milk for babies 

If your infant is on a lactose-free formula, you can use it freely in cooking. Lactose-free milk and other foods can also be useful.

You can replace milk with:

  • Soy milk.
  • Oat.
  • Hemp milk.
  • Almond milk. (as long as they are rich in calcium and not used as main drink until 1 year of age).

Check out: lactose intolerance milk alternative

Please keep in mind that rice milk is not suggested for newborns or children under the age of five.

For children allergic to milk, after six months, cow’s milk is replaced with formula milk to avoid the impact of cow’s milk allergy on the development of the baby.

As formula milk containing hydrolyzed proteins or amino acid types of milk such as Novak Aminova, neonate Milk new kit, nominal milk nominal, Novack HA neo flax H that doctors often prescribe.

Health guidelines:

  • Lactose-free milk is given from the age of one year, since natural milk contains lactose.
  • Dairy free snacks for babies should be fat-free, since the digestive system is not complete and won’t be able to digest fats.