Dukan Diet Calculator

Ten years ago, a French physician Pierre Dukan came up with the Dukan diet idea, which gained wide fame among French women. Then, he became more popular after the Dukan diet plan being followed by the Duchess of Cambridge / Kate Middleton and appeared stunning on her wedding day. Definitely, this left millions questioning what is the dukan diet? And what are the dukan diet rules? In this article, we will share with you the foods for dukan diet, meal plan for Dukan diet, and most importantly, we will know in detail about dukan diet attack phase (dukan diet phase 1).

The Dukan Diet comprises four stages to help you achieve your ideal weight and maintain it. Eventually, Dukan Diet ranks 37th in the world among the best diets overall after a professional team of health experts assessed 38 diets.

Dukan diet calculator:

To specify which weight is best for your health, you can use BMI calculator. Body Mass Index calculator helps you know if you are underweight, normal, overweight, or obese according to your weight and height. By knowing so, you can easily know how much weight you need to lose to be in the normal range. 

Nevertheless, on the Dukan diet plan you can use more professional calculators made specifically for it. 

1- Dukan diet calculator: 

The dukan diet plan starts by calculating your goal weight, which is called the true weight

Dukan Diet Calculator

Dukan Diet Calculator



Ideal Body Weight (Robinson Formula): kg

Weight Needed to Lose: kg

Days on Attack Phase:

Days on Cruise Phase:

Days on Consolidation Phase:

Fortunately, there are many forms of Dukan diet calculator online. Besides, Dukan diet calculator is called also Dukan diet attack phase calculator as it calculates how many days you should stay in each phase to lose weight effectively.

based on your:

  • Gender.
  • Age.
  • Height.
  • Weight loss history.
  • Current weight.
  • Target weight.
  • Average weight.
  • How many times you got pregnant if you are a woman.
  • Other factors.

After that, it calculates how long you should stay in each stage, especially the Dukan Diet Phase 1.

Next, it gives you a custom Dukan diet meal plan.

2- Dukan diet calculator free

On the other hand, if you don’t want to pay for Dukan diet meal plan, you may try a free Dukan diet calculator online on the link above.

However, It works the same way as the above calculator. It calculates days to spend following each phase according to :

  • Gender.
  • Age.
  • Height.
  • Daily activity.  

Next, you will know your BMI value, the number of days to spend on each phase and some information about what to include on your Dukan diet meals on each phase.  

The Dukan Diet Phase 1
The Dukan Diet Phase 1

The Dukan Diet Phase 1

As this diet works by following many rules, counting calories on dukan diet meals plan is not the best way to lose weight. Instead, Dr. Pierre Dukan believes that the way for losing weight on dukan diet is protein, and he explains that protein has magical power in losing weight, and this is due to many reasons:

  1. It fills the stomach when eating it.
  2. It takes a long time to digest. 
  3. Besides that protein-based food contains very few calories per gram compared to foods rich in carbohydrates.

The Dukan Diet, contrary to what many people think, is not based only on eating protein-rich foods like carnivore diet plan.

But also limiting carbohydrates, which are the body’s preferred energy source, and when lost, it forces the body to convert fats stored in it into an alternative fuel.

The Dukan diet includes 4 stages.

These are dukan stages, where the first and second stages of weight loss, and the third and fourth stages of weight stabilization:

  1. Attack phase.
  2. Cruise phase.
  3. Consolidation phase.
  4. Stabilization phase.

Dukan diet foods:

The Dukan diet attack phase foods include protein mainly, and then in the cruise phase, it allows introducing selected vegetables gradually on specific days into your diet.

After that, in the consolidation phase, you will add more foods that you like and weren’t allowed the previous stages, such as bread and cheese.

And in the stabilization phase, you will be able to fix your weight after reaching your goal, since at this stage you will be relatively free.

With a few rules, you’ll then be allowed to eat whatever you want – of course, without overdoing it.

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Dukan diet attack phase goal:

The goal of Dukan diet attack phase is rapid weight loss.

Dukan Diet Calculator

Dukan diet attack phase how long it lasts?

Attack phase on Dukan diet lasts from (1 to 7 days), depending on how much weight you want to lose.

You can stick to attack phase 1-2 days if you want to lose less than 10 lb. However, if you wan to lose more than 40 lb. it may take up to 7 days.

It’s important to consult your doctor if you intend to lose lots of weight and planning to stay on Dukan diet attack phase for many days.

Dukan diet menu attack phase:

It is allowed at this stage to eat a high amount of protein, and you can choose between 68 types of protein-rich foods that leads to significant weight loss.

During this phase, the body will experience a shock because it will only rely on protein, which requires more energy to digest.

In the stomach, and since fats, carbohydrates, and sugars are not consumed, the body will take this energy from stored fats in the body, so the more protein we eat, the greater the weight loss.

However, the Dukan diet attack phase is known as the “pure protein stage”, as they consider this stage to be the most important stage in the Dukan diet

“Eating other foods are not on the Dukan diet list of foods attack phase has a quick effect, such as a time-lapse during which a needle punctures a balloon,” says Dukan.

Dukan diet list of foods attack phase

Here is the list of foods that you may eat: (permitted in the Dukan diet)

  • Lean beef, lamb, rabbit, venison, turkey.
  • Chicken meat – without skin – including liver and tongue.
  • All kinds of fish, shellfish and seafood, eggs.
  • Vegetable protein such as “tofu” and “seitan”
  • Unprocessed dairy products, skimmed or fat-free (2-3%).
  • Water and other drinks are not calorie-dense.

Dukan diet attack phase meal plans

The Dukan Diet attack phase meal plan encourages the consumption of various foods, and spice it with herbs to avoid being bored from the same meals every day.

Dukan Diet Calculator
Dukan Diet Calculator


  • Skim cheese, with a tablespoon and a half of oat bran.
  • Drink cinnamon, tea, or coffee sweetened with non-caloric sweeteners, as desired.
  • Drink the required daily amount of water.


  • Roasted poultry.
  • Shirataki noodles (low-carb, gluten-free noodles).
  • a cup of tea.


  • A slice of meat or shrimp.
  • Coffee or tea with skimmed milk, sweetened with non-caloric sweeteners, as desired

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