How to Digest Food Faster Naturally?

Digesting food normally can be a problem for some, which lead to more issues like constipation and bloating. In this article we will talk about the best way to digest food, and How to digest food faster naturally without using pills to aid digestion, so continue reading.

How to digest food faster naturally?

Some may ask how to digest food faster overnight? There are a few things you can do to help your food digest faster overnight.

Eat smaller meals throughout the day instead of one or two large meals.

This will help your stomach to not work hard.

Every day, exercise for 30 minutes

A sequence of muscular contractions moves food and digested substances through the body. Peristalsis is the term for these muscular contractions. Peristalsis slows down when you’re a couch potato, lengthening your travel time. Constipation and overall discomfort may arise as a result of this. Exercising boosts metabolism, causing muscular contractions to become more frequent. This is why some individuals feel compelled to use the restroom immediately after exercising.

Increase your fibre intake

Fiber-rich meals like whole grains, green vegetables, and fresh fruits bulk up your stools and encourage the gut to move food along. Because introducing fibre to your diet too quickly might produce gas, bloating, and cramps, it should be done gradually.

Eat yoghurt

Live bacteria cultures in yoghurt and other probiotic foods like sauerkraut, soft cheeses, and sourdough bread encourage good digestion-enhancing bacteria in the intestines. Does yogurt settle your stomach? Check out.

Reduce your meat consumption

Meat, milk, hard cheese, and refined carbohydrates like white sugar, white flour, and quick oatmeal travel through the digestive tract slowly, slowing peristalsis.

Drink a lot of water

We’ve all heard that drinking eight glasses of water every day is a good idea. This advise is made for a variety of health reasons. Water helps keep the faeces wet in this scenario, reducing transit time.

Start eating more whole foods

Whole foods are those that have not been processed, and they provide the body with all the nutrients it needs to function properly. Eating more whole foods will help to improve digestion, and it will also help to boost your overall health.

Sleep enough hours

For decades, scientists have speculated that sleep patterns may have an impact on digestion and bowel motions. That connection is still going strong after 20 years. Disrupted sleep appears to have a deleterious impact on digestion the next day, as you may experience abdominal distension and bloating. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), peptic ulcer disease (PUD), and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) have all been associated to poor sleep.

Avoid overeating

Everyone understands how unpleasant it is to consume much too much food in one sitting. Overeating taxed your digestive system and slowed the process, causing digestion to sluggish. You may believe that sluggish digestion is your “normal” if you overeat at every meal, but you may experience faster digestion (and prevent unpleasant fullness) by eating smaller meals.

Chew food well

Do you have a habit of gulping down food without chewing it thoroughly? If that’s the case, your lightning-fast eating habits might be leading to sluggish and unpleasant digestion. Salivary enzymes begin to break down food in your mouth, where the digestive process begins. Your teeth aid digestion by smashing food’s rough exterior surfaces and skins, reducing each mouthful to a pulp that your digestive enzymes may readily penetrate.

Maintain a low stress level

Before stressful events like a critical test, proposing to a significant other, or interviewing for a huge job, people frequently have upset stomachs. This form of stress-induced belly discomfort usually goes away as soon as the crucial event is over. Chronic stress, on the other hand, might have a negative influence on your digestive health in the long run.

Consume foods that are high in fibre  

You can boost your digestion in a number of ways including fiber-rich diets. By minimising constipation and preserving overall digestive health, these nutrients can help accelerate digestion. Fiber-rich meals help to normalise digestion by adding bulk to your stool. They can also aid in the alleviation of gas, bloating, and diarrhoea. Fiber adds weight and density to your faeces by absorbing water. Adequate water consumption is also necessary for healthy digestion as not drinking enough water can lead to constipation. Whole-grain items, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds are all high in fibre.

Reach out for low-fat meals instead of greasy meals.

Greasy meals can exceed the stomach’s ability to properly break down its contents, high-fat and fried meals can produce acid reflux and heartburn. These meals are difficult to digest in your stomach, which slows down the overall digestive processProcessed meats, french fries, ice cream, butter, and cheese are examples of high-fat and fried meals.

Check out more posts about digestion:

How the digestive system work?

The digestive system is a series of organs that work together to convert food into energy and to help the body absorb nutrients. Here are the different parts of the digestive system and how they work:


The digestive process starts by chewing food in the mouth. Before you even take a bite, your digestive system starts working. Your salivary glands swell when you smell the odour of delicious food. After eating, you chew your the food and break it into smaller, easier-to-digest chunks. Your saliva breaks down the food into a form your body can absorb and utilise. When swollowing the food down through the oesophagus.


The oesophagus transfer food from the mouth when you swallow it near the trachea. Peristalsis, a sequence of muscular contractions in the oesophagus, sends food to the stomach.

A ring-like muscle called the lower esophageal sphincter must first relax to allow food in. Sphincter contracts, preventing stomach contents from returning into oesophagus. (If it doesn’t, you’ll have acid reflux or heartburn.)


The stomach is a hollow organ that mixes food with stomach enzymes. These enzymes help convert food into a useful form. The stomach’s lining cells generate a powerful acid and enzymes that break down food. The stomach’s contents are discharged into the small intestine after processing.


The small intestine is a 22-foot muscular tube that breaks down food utilising pancreatic enzymes and liver bile. Peristalsis also functions in this organ, combining food with pancreatic and liver digesting secretions.

The duodenum is the first small intestinal segment. It’s primarily to blame for the constant breakdown. The jejunum and ileum in the small intestine are important for nutrition absorption.

Small intestine contents start semi-solid and end up liquid after passing through the organ. Water, bile, enzymes, and mucus modify the consistency. This is followed by passage via the small intestine of the residual food residue fluids to the big intestine (colon).


A digestive enzyme secreted by the pancreas helps break down protein, lipids and carbs. The pancreas also produces insulin that is directly absorbed. Insulin is the main hormone involved in sugar metabolism.


The liver processes nutrients received from the small intestine. The liver’s bile released into the small intestine helps digest fats and vitamins.

Our bodies chemical “factory” is the liver. It uses the intestine’s raw materials to generate all the chemicals your body needs to operate.

The liver also detoxifies chemicals. It degrades and excretes many hazardous chemicals.


In order to absorb and digest lipids, the gallbladder accumulates and concentrates bile from the liver.


The colon processes waste, making bowel movements simple and convenient. It links the small intestine to the rectum and is 6 feet long.

The colon is made up of the cecum, ascending (right), transverse (across), descending (left), and sigmoid colon (rectum).

Stool, or digestive waste, is moved through the colon by peristalsis, first as a liquid, then as a solid. The colon removes water from stools. Stool is held in the sigmoid colon until a daily “mass movement” discharges it into the rectum.

Stool generally passes through the colon in 36 hours. Food and microorganisms make up the faeces. These “good” bacteria synthesise vitamins, digest waste and food particles, and guard against dangerous bacteria. The descending colon discharges its contents into the rectum to begin the elimination process (a bowel movement).


In the middle of the colon is the rectum, an 8-inch chamber. The rectum’s role is to collect faeces from the colon, alert you that stool is present, and keep it until evacuation. Sensors alert the brain when something (gas or stool) enters the rectum. The brain then determines whether or not to expel the rectal contents.

They relax and contract, emptying the rectum. Forcibly emptying the sphincter causes the rectum to adapt, temporarily masking the feeling.


The anus is the digestive end. The pelvic floor muscles and anal sphincters form a 2-inch channel (internal and external). The sensitive upper anus lining can detect rectal contents.. Liquid, gas, or solid contents are indicated.

The anus is bordered by sphincter muscles that regulate stools. The pelvic floor muscle generates an angle between the rectum and the anus, preventing faeces from escaping. It’s usually tight, except when slop enters the rectum. Involuntarily pooping occurs when we are sleeping or otherwise ignorant of the presence of stools.

In order to reach a toilet, we rely on our external sphincter to retain the stool until we reach it.

What Affects the Digestion Time

The meal usually passes through the stomach and small intestine in 6 to 8 hours. Then, food travels through the colon (large intestines).

The actual timing, however, varies and is dependent on factors such as:

  • Food consumed in terms of quantity and type: High-fiber meals, such as fruits and vegetables, take longer to digest than protein-rich and fatty foods, such as meat and fish. Candy, crackers, and pastries are among the most quickly digested foods.
  • Gender: According to a research from the 1980s, a woman’s transit time via the large intestine alone was 47 hours, whereas a man’s was just 33 hours.
  • Digestive problems: Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis, and irritable bowel syndrome are just a few of the disorders that can make digestion difficult.

Foods to improve digestion

There are many different types of foods that can improve digestion. Some of the best foods to help you digest faster are:

  • Ginger: drinking Ginger tea is a great way to improve digestion because it helps to stimulate the digestive system.
  • Probiotics: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help to keep the gut healthy, and peppermint can help to soothe the stomach. Check out benefits of probiotics weight loss.
  • Peppermint : Peppermint soothes the stomach, and helps to suppress the urge to burp.
  • Lemons: Lemons are a great alternative to cranberry juice because they help to stimulate digestive juices and prevent indigestion.
  • Berries: Berries are rich in vitamin C, which can help to strengthen the digestive system. The berry anthocyanins that are abundant in blueberries and blackberries are also linked to helping to fight bad bacteria and viruses that may affect the gut. Blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries are all rich in vitamin C.

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