Is Too Much Yogurt Bad For You? 5 Unexpected Yogurt Side Effects

Is Too Much Yogurt Bad For You?

Not a big fan of yogurt? Don’t like eating it in the morning? Read on to find out why you should reconsider your opinion, and, more importantly, learn some interesting facts about this tasty treat. Yogurt is considered by most people as a healthy food, but because of its high-calorie content, it’s one of those foods that has been demonized for being fattening.

Yogurt has several benefits to your health. If you have a sensitive stomach, though, yogurt can cause problems at night.

Is Too Much Yogurt Bad For You?

Here are six reasons why you should avoid eating yogurt before you go to bed.

High levels of lactose

Lactose is a sugar molecule that is difficult for some people to digest, leading to symptoms such as bloating, gas and diarrhea.

Consuming yogurt late at night can exacerbate these symptoms. These symptoms are caused by excessive production of an enzyme called lactase, which aids in the digestion of lactose.

If a person is lactose intolerant, their body doesn’t produce enough lactase to digest the lactose contained in milk. Consuming large amounts of lactose, therefore, can lead to symptoms.

Therefore, for people who are lactose intolerant, the consumption of yogurt late at night is highly inadvisable.

Check out Lactose intolerance diet list

The fermentation process

involved in making yogurt introduces endotoxins and other harmful bacteria, which can cause diarrheal disease. Though these bacteria have not been found to be harmful to people, they do cause adverse symptoms such as stomach cramps, headaches, and diarrhea.

They are easily prevented by purchasing yogurt that has been pasteurized or has been cooled to 4°C or lower during processing. Consuming probiotic yogurts , however, is a good way to get both the beneficial bacteria and immune-boosting properties of yogurt.

In the process of making yogurt, the bacterial spores used to ferment the milk are inoculated into the milk. These spores are then exposed to a high acidity level, which kills off most of the vegetative cells and converts them into acid-resistant spores.

These spores can survive for years in this state and are then added to the yogurt. These beneficial bacteria also compete with pathogenic bacteria, which normally contaminate the yogurt after it has been kept for a long time at room temperature.

Yogurt is made by culturing the bacteria Streptococcus thermophilus

Some people are genetically predisposed to having a negative reaction to this particular strain of bacteria, and therefore react to yogurt.

Yogurt is often recommended as a natural remedy for traveler’s diarrhea, but this probiotic bacteria can actually make the condition worse. Although the probiotic bacteria in yogurt are probably harmless, any bacteria that survive pasteurization can do damage.

Some people react to the strong acidity of yogurt and develop a form of food poisoning known as “lactose intolerance”. You should not eat large amounts of yogurt, especially if you are lactose intolerant. Although many people have “lactose intolerance”, it is usually impossible to develop a true condition known as lactose malabsorption.

Check out Probiotics Benefits For Weight Loss.

Yogurt is high in saturated fat

Which can lead to a higher than normal cholesterol level. Consuming too much saturated fat can contribute to clogged arteries, which can lead to heart disease.

Eggs contain similar amounts of saturated fat as yogurt and should not be consumed as a replacement.

Not appropriate for those who are allergic to milk

A small number of people with food allergies may develop an allergic reaction to the milk protein in yogurt.

You should always check first with your doctor if you are allergic to any foods.

Most commercial yogurts contain sugar and artificial colors and flavors

Which may cause digestive problems for people with sensitive digestive systems. These foods are a source of sugar which can be detrimental to your health.

Some sugar side effects includes:

  • Sugar can be addictive
  • Sugar can cause tooth decay
  • It can make you gain weight easily.
  • If you have high risk of developing Diabetes, eating high amounts of sugary foods can cause diabetes. Do artificial sweeteners prevent weight loss?
  • Sugar can lead to heart disease.

In general, most sweets contain artificial colors and flavors which may cause digestive problems for people with sensitive digestive systems.

It is also difficult to digest foods if you do not have enough stomach acid due to low levels of hydrochloric acid in your body.

The consequences of eating too much yogurt

Eating too much yogurt for on the long run can be very dangerous. This is because too much bacteria in the food may make your body sick.

It can also lead to obesity, diabetes, and many other health problems.

Sometimes, digestion problems can lead to an autoimmune disorder and even a fatal liver disease. You need to check how much yogurt you eat each day.

Check out greek yogurt stomach problems.

Finally, even though eating too much yogurt can be bad for you, still you may acquire its benefits by eating it in moderation. So, never make healthy food your enemy, instead make it stand on your side.