List of fruits good for PCOS

Following a PCOS diet to ease symptoms is an effective way that work with thousands of women suffering from this condition. Picking the perfect kind of foods including proteins, vegetables, and fruits that align with PCOS diet rules can be challenging for some. Luckily, in this article we will help you with the best Low-glycemic fruits for the PCOS diet.

If you are suffering from PCOS symptoms like: 

  • Menstrual disturbances which is missing periods.
  • Excessive hair growth (hirsutism) in areas like the chest and face.
  • Oily skin and acne. 
  • Gaining weight even though you didn’t change your diet.  
  • Losing weight becomes impossible even though you are following a strict diet and performing your workout regularly.

Then, it’s time to start following a PCOS diet that promises to improve your hormonal balance and:

  • Make weight loss easier as your metabolism won’t be affected by hormones as before.
  • Clear your skin from acne.
  • Your menstruation becomes regular. Suffering from PCOS and want to get your period immediately? Check this out.

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Many women have also reported success with other low carbohydrate diets, such as the South Beach Diet, Atkins Diet, and Weight Watchers diet. If you’re going to try a low-carbohydrate diet, it’s important to know that there are some rules you should follow.

List of fruits good for PCOS

List of fruits good for PCOS
List of fruits good for PCOS

One of the most common questions PCOS patients ask if fruits are allowed on the PCOS diet or not.

Of course, yes, you can eat fruits.

However, as we mentioned above, on PCOS diet it’s better to eat Low glycemic index foods and since fruits contain carbs not all kinds of fruits are allowed. Also, not all allowed fruits you can eat in any amount.

However, not all fruits on the PCOS fruit list are low-glycemic like cantaloupe, but still, you can include it in your plan for other reasons.  

Anyway, it is still a great idea to include low-glycemic fruits on your diet plan even as a snack and that’s why:

  • Mostly all fruits are antioxidants that will help detox your body.  
  • Even though fruits contain sugar, they also contain fibers that help slow digestion and therefore, don’t raise your blood sugar drastically. This is especially true in fruits with skin like berries, apples, pears, and peaches.

We will show good fruit choices for PCOS with their GI values. However, Glycemic index ranges generally are:

  • Low GI: 1 – 55. 
  • Medium GI: 56 – 69. 
  • High GI: 70 – higher.


Amount to eat daily: 1 small apple.

Glycemic index: 37

Is apple good for PCOS?

Apples are one of the great fruit choices on PCOS diet, they are satisfying, low calorie, delicious and with a low-glycemic index. 

Apples contain antioxidants and fiber, both of which have been linked with improved health in ladies with PCOS. Additionally, apples are a low-glycemic fruit, meaning that they are unlikely to cause spikes in blood sugar levels.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 

Also, apples are rich in fibers that are both soluble and insoluble, so it makes you full and helps you lose weight. On the other hand, insoluble fibers can absorb water and help your digestive system get rid of waste quickly.

However, it is better to avoid peeling its skin before eating.

Add to that, apples are rich in vitamins including vitamin C, minerals and antioxidants which boost your immunity and prevent illness and disease.


Amount to eat daily: 1 MEDIUM PEAR

Glycemic index: 20 – 49

Pears have low-GI that is because they’re high in fiber. One small pear contains 7 grams fibers. Which is about 20% of the recommended daily fiber intake.

Pears are not preferable to apples. They have similar health benefits, but we know a lot more about how apples affect health than we do about pears. In reality, studies on the health benefits of pears are ongoing. Pectin, a fibre that feeds gut bacteria, is found in both apples and pears.


Amount to eat daily: 1 medium orange

Glycemic index: 43

Oranges are suitable for diabetics since they have a low GI and do not quickly increase blood sugar levels. Oranges’ high fibre content allows for blood sugar regulation by gradual absorption in the bloodstream.


Amount to eat daily: 1 medium kiwi

Glycemic index: 50

Kiwi can absolutely satisfy your taste buds with its sweet and tangy flavour. Kiwi has a glycemic index of 50, which is considered low. it is a healthy option among the fruits.


Amount to eat daily: 1 cup strawberries

Glycemic index: 41

Strawberries are a favourite of both young and old people. They can give you the best dessert with low calories whether cooked or eaten raw. Also, they are perfect antioxidants and rich in vitamins with a glycemic index of 41.


Grapes are a good source of dietary fiber and vitamins. There is a study which shows that when grapes are tested with a gas chromatography mass spectrometer, it is found that they contain four different phenolic compounds with antioxidant activities. These polyphenols have been found to possess the antioxidant properties of vitamin C, which are thought to be in part responsible for protecting against the oxidative damage caused by free radicals.

Amount to eat daily: 1 cup grapes

Glycemic index: 53

The glycemic index of grapes is 53. They are high in fibre, vitamin B-6, and other vital minerals. They aid digestion, improve mood, and promote efficient brain function.
So, the next time you’re hungry, choose one of the diabetes-friendly fruits.


Amount to eat daily: 1 large peach

Glycemic index: 45

Who wouldn’t love peaches? They’re sweet and juicy. They have a glycemic index of 45, making them a safe choice for diabetics and PCOS patients. Peaches, which are high in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, are a delicious low-calorie dessert choice.


Is banana good for PCOS?

Bananas are a good source of dietary potassium, vitamin C, dietary fiber and vitamin B6. Regulating blood sugar levels is just one of the many ways they can help. Bananas also have low levels of sugars and high levels of potassium, which is an essential nutrient.

Amount to eat daily: 1/2 of a large banana

Glycemic index: 51

As we all know, bananas are high in sugar, so, although it’s tasty, you should pay attention not to eat alot of it.

Bananas are rich in potassium, which regulates blood pressure, and are an excellent source of B vitamins, which help control your blood sugar levels.


Amount to eat daily: 2 slice Cantaloupe

Glycemic index: 65

Cantaloupe has a moderately high glycemic index of 65 as compared to other fruits, but since it has high content of water, so 120 gm of it contains only few carbohydrates, resulting in a really low glycemic load score of 4.


Amount to eat daily: 2 small plums

Glycemic index: 40

Plums are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, also, they are delicious and juicy.

Plum has a low glycemic index and will not immediately increase blood sugar levels.Thus suitable for PCOS diet if eaten in moderation.

PCOS diet rules

First, before starting to concentrate on the List of fruits good for PCOS we will tell you quickly what foods to eat generally.

In the PCOS diet, there are foods to avoid and others to include in your plan. Nutritionists emphasized the importance of choosing natural whole foods over processed food products. 

The best diets that help ease PCOS symptoms are:

Low glycemic index diet

This diet helps diabetic patients to control their blood sugar. The body digests foods with a low glycemic index more slowly, so they do not cause insulin levels to rise as quickly as compared to High or medium glycemic index foods. 

The foods included in this diet are whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, fruits, and other unprocessed foods.

Recently, a Low glycemic index diet proved it can also reverse diabetes and ease PCOS symptoms. 

The DASH Diet

 This diet is adopted by people with heart disease and chronic hypertension. Recently, nutritionists have recommended it for women with PCOS. DASH’s diet is based on lean meats, fruits and vegetables, and healthy fats.

Low-fat, high-protein diet

This diet is low in calories, however, still high in nutritional value. It will likewise be rich in fiber. Lean poultry and fish are good choices for the main meal since they are high in protein. 

PCOS fruits and vegetables

A healthy diet for PCOS should include a variety of nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables. These foods are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help regulate hormone levels, improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce inflammation.

Another benefit of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is that they are often lower in fat and higher in fiber, making them easier to digest and therefore more satiating. Other foods that are commonly recommended for a PCOS diet include whole grains, beans, dark green leafy vegetables, yogurt, and other dairy products. Blackberry tea PCOS fruits and vegetables

The fiber in fruits and vegetables helps to decrease insulin levels and promote the feeling of fullness, while the antioxidants protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

The high antioxidant content of fruit and vegetables also helps to decrease inflammation, which is a common problem for women with PCOS. Other women find that eliminating carbohydrates from their diet is key to managing their PCOS.