Is The South Beach Diet Good For Diabetics

Is The South Beach Diet Good For Diabetics? Is it healthy? how much weight loss south beach diet can offer? Is it simple? Sustainable? 

Like any other diet, there are types of food that are totally allowed, some are Limited while others are totally rejected on the South Beach diet plan.

Surprisingly,  it is similar to the Atkins diet. As it involves that your body passes through different phases before you start losing weight. It’s like convincing the body to lose weight in an easy way.  

South Beach Diet Planner:

The South Beach diet plan is neither a low-fat diet nor a low-carb plan. It’s not that kind of Diet that will make you starve like some crash diets.

However, it depends on consuming a healthy diet free of unsaturated fats and carbohydrates.

Of Course, cutting refined carbs and fried foods rich in calories at first will make you drop weight easily. 

The best part about this diet is that it is sustainable, which means that you don’t have to count calories or be restricted to small portions of food for a long time.

Of course, there will be some limitations that will not last long, especially in the beginning. The first two weeks to be precise are the toughest, but after that, limitations will be lifted, allowing all the nutrients to return to your diet.

 The South Beach diet phases:

Now we are going to break what exactly your body will go through from the beginning till adopting it as a lifestyle.  As we mentioned before, this diet is it going to take you step-by-step to fix your metabolism, make you lose weight, and finally leaving you with different cravings.

Phase 1  of South Beach diet; metabolism restoration: 

Unfortunately, switching many diet plans through your life can wreck your metabolism.  As many plans can expose you to hunger, which is the main reason holding down your metabolism and making it much harder to burn fats.

So the South Beach diet starts by fixing metabolism to make sure you lose weight when your body is ready. However, this is the main reason why south beach diet works.

Phase one continues for 2 weeks and involves consuming daily three meals and two snacks. 

What does South beach diet phase 1 list of foods include?

You are not limited to a certain portion of food, so you can eat until you are full. This strategy helps your body to reboot its metabolism and burn calories effectively. Then, the south beach diet phase 1 list of foods includes all green vegetables, protein, and healthy fats.

Of course, since what we are talking about is a diet plan, it includes some limitations. So the foods that are not allowed are carbohydrates like bread, rice, pasta, starchy vegetables, sweets, and Candy. 

Don’t worry,  as this is the hardest part of the south beach diet and I know that these restrictions are too tough to go with for the rest of your life. However, stay with me to know the rest of the plan and you will be amazed.

Phase 2 of South Beach diet; start losing weight;

Now it’s time to reap the benefits of the South Beach diet. Starting Phase 2 means that you are enjoying now a strong healthy fast metabolism. Fast metabolism can make you drop 1 to 2 pounds every week easily. Fortunately, the good news is that you can include some of the food-restricted in the previous phase.

Definitely getting back to carbohydrates and sweets should be done gradually and limited to small amounts. 

Check out more articles about weight loss:

South beach diet macros:

  • Proteins:  you are free to eat the amount you want from fish chicken and meat. Check out this low-carb chicken recipe.
  • Vegetables:  Leafy green vegetables are always a good idea. Just put in mind, it’s better to increase the amount of vegetable intake so you can limit your hunger. Controlling hunger helps you limit the consumption of carbohydrates like rice and potatoes.
  • Carbohydrates:  Now it’s time for you to eat all the carbohydrates that you have limited on phase one.  But take care you should do this gradually. So as you can see rice, potatoes, ice cream, and pasta are all allowed as long as you are not taking them in massive amounts. For that reason,  the South Beach diet is not considered a low-carb diet like the Atkins and the ketogenic diet.

 you can read about the difference between the ketogenic diet and the low-carb diet here.

However,  take care that the carbs you are eating:

  1. Are low sugar carbs
  2. The fats that are contained in your carb meal are unsaturated healthy fats.
  • Fats: only fats should be taken in a tiny amount. So it is better to go with the low-fat options on your grocery list. 

You may be asking for how long will this phase last? Well, as soon as you reach the weight you are dreaming of, this phase would be over. However, it’s not restricted at all.

Phase 3 of South Beach diet; lifetime maintenance:

Congratulations, you have reached your weight goal. Now it’s time to fix your weight and make sure you won’t gain more pounds for the rest of your life. It seems impossible; I know. So what would you do if you saw your weight scale is rising? 

Don’t panic, just return to phase one, limit carbohydrates stick with green vegetables with low calories. Just keep on until you begin to lose weight again and then return to carbs gradually.

 However,  it’s better that you stick with the healthy choices of proteins fats and carbohydrates. By doing so, you can avoid putting on weight again. 

Why is the South Beach diet may not be the diet of your dreams?

There is no Diet Plan on this planet designed to be ideal and fits all of us. People all over the world have different genes, habits and body types. The South Beach diet cannot promise to deliver you all the benefits you want with no drawbacks.

What are the South beach diet cons?
  1. No doubt, the induction phase is very restrictive, so it can leave your body starving for essential nutrients.
  2. It turned out that the weight drop you experience at first is nothing but just a reflection of water loss.
  3. Losing so much water in a short time can leave your body with electrolyte imbalance. 

Is The South Beach Diet Good For Diabetics?

Yes, as the South Beach diet plan is successful in making you lose weight by restoring metabolism. Also, it encourages low-carb meal plans with more proteins and leafy vegetables, the thing which goes along with Diabetic diet principles.

Check out other articles about low-carb diets:

Can you do south beach diet while pregnant?

Following any diet while pregnancy must be done under doctor supervision. However, since pregnant women nutritional needs increase during the whole pregnancy course, then, it’s better to postpone any nutritional restrictions during this period.

Nevertheless, there are other diets costumed mainly for pregnant women to lose weight safely check this out.

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