Microwave Gluten-free Mini Pizza

Who doesn’t love pizza, especially when you can make it ready in just a few minutes?!! So, you want to snack on a little piece of pizza that won’t smash your gluten-free diet, but, you are extremely on the go, or you want to save on ordering a pizza. We have got you covered, as this Microwave Gluten-free Mini Pizza will spice up your food and you can eat it any time of the day, not to mention that it is super delicious and won’t take a long time to prepare.

Microwave Gluten-free Mini Pizza
Microwave Gluten-free Mini Pizza

All my life I loved pizzas, but to me, it was extremely hard to make at home, as it needs hard work for at least two hours to get it on my plate ready. After going on a gluten-free diet it became worse because I was limited to my kitchen to have my gluten-free pizza, unfortunately, it is not widely available in the markets near me.

I never thought pizzas would be something you could cook from scratch in the microwave and have it ready in less than 10 minutes. But, with this recipe, I felt like my dream came true, and that I can enjoy pizza at any time.

Check out my gluten-free recipes, you are going to like it;

Now let’s start,,…


  1. 2 tbsp lentils flour.
  2. 2 tbsp rice flour.
  3. ¼ tsp baking powder.
  4. Pinch of salt.
  5. 1 tbsp olive oil.
  6. 3 tbsp warm water.
  7. 2 tsp tomato paste.
  8. 1 small shredded tomato.
  9. 1 tsp thyme.
  10. Shredded olives.
  11. Mozzarella cheese.


  • In a bowl combine lentils flour, rice flour, baking powder, and salt.
  • Add olive oil and water and mix very well until you get the perfect dough.
  • Divide the dough into 3-5 pieces and shape as pizza bases.
  • Spread tomato paste on the dough and sprinkle thyme over it.
  • Add shredded tomato and olive, then cover it with mozzarella cheese.
  • Microwave it for 2 minutes and stand for a few minutes to cool.

Now it is ready to serve. 

Microwave Gluten-free Mini Pizza
Microwave Gluten-free Mini Pizza

If you liked my Microwave Gluten-free Mini Pizza, check out my quick no-bake gluten-free desserts Snow coconut balls and Coconut Vanilla Breakfast Bites you will love it.