Whole 30 List of Approved Foods

Whole 30 diet list of approved foods include various types that will make you satisfied. However, although you may become a calorie deficit, weight loss on whole 30 is not the main goal.

In this article, we will present to you a diet that may be new to you, it is the closest thing to changing habits than being a diet. It depends on stopping you from eating foods harmful to your health but for a limited period. You will know through this article some details and benefits that you will get when you follow it.

What is whole 30 diet?

You may have heard this name before but never knew what it really was or mean. The Whole 30 Diet, is a 30-day program that requires avoiding all dairy products, grains, and legumes including soy, sugar, and all processed foods. 

Whole30 versus Paleo:

Whole 30 is often compared to a similar diet which is the Paleo diet and that diet recommends eating only natural foods available in the past to pre-historic people.

Although both diets require excluding similar food groups, there are several fundamental differences between them.

Finally, Paleo dieters can only eat meat if the animals are grass-fed, while Whole 30 does not focus on doing so. Whole 30 food list allows eating meat.

For example, Whole 30 completely ban adding sugar to food, while the Paleo diet only recommends avoiding refined sugar while it allows any natural sugar like honey. 

Besides, the Paleo diet is more like a lifestyle, while whole 30 is just a 30 days program.

Whole 30 List of Approved Foods & banned foods

The program forces you to quit dairy products, grains, beans, soy and alcohol, and the hardest of all is sugar.

After all, the best thing about this diet is that it’s not meant to stick with it forever as it’s only 30 days. However, most people enjoyed setting a deadline, not like other endless diets.

Other diets that has phases and not intended to be followed endlessly are like:

The diet founder recommends first eliminating all foods that do not meet the strict criteria for the Whole 30 diet and then going to market.

Second great thing about the whole 30 diet is that it isn’t just about buying expensive foods, instead, it’s about picking whole 30 list of approved foods which may also be expensive but healthy.

You need to find time to plan your diet and allow room to adapt your taste receptors and your body to the whole 30 meal plan.

Whole 30 diet & mood:

Even the first week of the whole30 plan could be a nightmare. 

Your mood won’t be the best, but this will not remain for the rest of the month. People who tried it reported that at some point you will feel terrible, like what you feel while detoxing, because your blood sugar level will be lower than usual, and you will become frowny, quick to anger, and hate everything. 

The first week and a half can be terrible; some reported that they were eating more than usual because of the lack of sugar. 

The second most difficult thing was to avoid any kind of dairy products which is the last hope for your body to get the needed sugar from lactose in milk. 

But after that people feel better in the second week, their cravings for sugar will diminish like being on ketosis and they feel an energy boost.

The most important thing that eventually, you will no longer crave the usual foods. But after a week or two, you realize that you no longer need it, and your taste receptors have adapted to what you eat.

The most difficult thing is not dietary restrictions, but the lack of understanding of those close to you.

The whole 30 diet designed to eliminate allergic foods. However, it is not a healthy diet that must be adhered to for life. Unfortunately, you may not lose weight after cutting various types of foods, but you will feel better.

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Whole 30 guidelines:

While following whole 30 diet rules, it is prohibited to eat:

1- Added sugars. 

2- Artificial sweeteners.

3- Dairy products. 

4- Grains. 

5- Legumes.

6- Alcohol.

7- Food additives such as carrageenan and monosodium glutamate (MSG).

It also discourages snacking and instead promotes eating three meals a day of whole 30 meals.

However, snacking may be necessary for those who follow this diet because of various factors, such as calorie requirements and activity levels.

So if you do snack, you can choose from a variety of options approved by the Whole30 like whole30 chicken salad or whole30 fruit.

Whole30 shopping list:

If you really want to follow the whole 30 diet here is the first step which is knowing the whole30 food list allowed to eat, including:

– Chicken: you can eat it as you like.

– Fish: all kinds and forms, including canned ones.

– Meat: you can eat as much as you want.

– Fruits: an apple every day.

– From the fat group: avocados every day and butter.

– Whole 30 and coffee: you can also include natural butter and black coffee so Bulletproof coffee can be included on the list.

Check out how to lose weight on the coffee diet.

Foods to avoid on Whole 30 shopping list:

what are the foods that you should avoid when following this diet include:

Sugar: with its different types, and even natural and artificial sweeteners, you should avoid them of all kinds.

– Soy.

– Beans and legumes: including chickpeas and peanut butter.

– Milk and dairy products: like cheese and others.

Benefits of following The whole 30 diet:

This provides many benefits to your body, making it worth the effort during the 30 days, and here are the most common benefits for everyone who follows this diet:

  • You will lose weight. Check out types of diets to lose weight..
  • It will reduce Digestive problems.
  • You will have unblemished skin and stop acne from appearing.
  • You will get a new list of delicious whole30 recipes.
  • Many health conditions will improve, including headaches.
  • You will discover the foods that were causing you lethargy or other feelings or mood swings.
  • Your sleep will improve.
  • You will feel more energetic when making your workout. Check out how to plan exercises to lose weight fast.

Although these benefits may seem very attractive, you should be cautious as there is no scientific evidence to support it yet.

Whole 30 drawbacks:

Strict whole 30 diet rules may be a good way to reset the eating habits of some who follow it, but still:

  • Restrictive diets are not sustainable.
  • Avoiding foods rich in nutrients such as legumes, soy, and dairy may make it more difficult to meet all the body’s daily nutritional needs.
  • If you continue this diet for over, 30 days, this may cause negative health effects.

Those who are considering following the whole 30 diet plan for a long time are better to record their meals for a few days. However, this can help ensure that you meet your daily nutrient recommendations.

Whole 30 results:

Fans of the whole 30 diet claim the diet is a magical remedy that cures everything from head to toes. 

Whole 30 is not only a weight-loss diet, but a program aimed to:

  • Improving Food habits.
  • Changing ideas about eating.

For instance, you may find that your clothes fit your body better or it may cure you of acne and you may notice significant changes in your health. 

People who tried Whole 30 say it works.  

Followers of the whole 30 diet claim that it can also alter the emotional relationship between the body and food.

Also, Whole 30 followers state that the diet can help with some health conditions like:

We always look for a diet that suits our lifestyle, and everyone wants to lose weight without deprivation or counting calories and other things that would make dieting more difficult.

There are many types of diets that really apply for a long time without getting bored with them and definitely benefit from them.

How to follow whole 30 diet:

The idea behind this diet is not eating foods that may harm your health for 30 days. For example, it encourages the consumption of processed foods as little as possible, and a greater intake of fresh fruits and vegetables.

After this period, they reintroduce the foods that were stopped, while monitoring the effects they have on the body.

In addition to a list of foods that are not allowed, during the period that lasts for a month it is not allowed to cheat.

Check out AIP diet plans that follow the same strategy to improve auto-immune symptoms.

Dieters note that strict adherence to the whole 30 food list allows the body to re-discipline avoiding certain foods that may cause infections, intestinal disturbances, or hormonal imbalances.

Check out PCOS diet for hormonal imbalance in women and its outstanding results with keto diet.

The question is some think they could follow the basic principles they learned from dieting and develop their own easier version. 

Weight loss on whole 30:

 Many become disappointed when they didn’t lose weight. Founders of whole 30 diet did not say that it is the main goal, but it is difficult not to think about it.

Instead, the Whole 30 results might be unmeasurable, but still, it can help you lose some weight, therefore:

  • Whole 30 has a restrictive nature, so it is likely to help cause a calorie deficit that leads to shedding some extra pounds.
  • However, unless the food choices are in the whole 30 list of approved foods become a habit and dietary pattern, the desired weight loss may not last for the long term.

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Counting calories:

And unlike other diets, there is no need to count calories, portion sizes, or count points. 

Also, it is not a great idea to control weight strictly from day one to day 30.

Following the 30-day diet involves eating any quantity, while avoiding some foods for one month.

It also may not stand on the scale on any days other than the first and last day, or to take part in any form of body measurements.

However, this diet is more than just a method of losing weight, it changes the way you think and promotes long-term health.

Therefore, avoidance of smoking is encouraged along with the duration of the program.

 Lifestyle After the Diet Period

Once you have successfully completed the 30-day program, focus on the next step which is the reintroduction phase. 

Reintroduction phase:

At this stage, some foods are slowly reintroduced as the reaction is evaluated in relation to a more healthy metabolism in relation to the body, the digestive system, the immune system and its relationship to food.

Learn more about factors that affect metabolism.

We reintroduce the milk on the first day, then return to the diet and avoid milk on days 2 to 4, while paying attention to any symptoms.

If all goes well, we can reintroduce a different food group into the diet on Day 5 and the same process repeated. 

Provided that only one food group is reintroduced at a time.

The suggested method for introducing unlimited foods is to add only one food group at a time. 

as shown to better identify foods that cause negative symptoms, such as bloating, dermatitis, or joint pain.

Once all food groups have been individually tested, the groups that were well tolerated can be added to the diet.

whole 30 meal plan

Those wishing to try the whole 30 diet can start with the following suggested menu for a week. It includes all the Whole 30 List of Approved Foods.


  • Breakfast: Sweet potato mashed with apples, sausage and eggs.
  • Lunch: chicken salad, with spinach, and pomegranate seeds served with butternut squash.
  • Dinner: Garlic shrimp, served with grated zucchini.


  • Breakfast: a fried egg and a vegetable sandwich with a sweet potato slice.
  • Lunch: soup with meatballs and turnip.
  • Dinner: Stuffed mushrooms made with meatballs, avocados, and tomatoes.


  • Breakfast: Peanut butter, cinnamon, and dates (smoothed).
  • Lunch: zucchini pancakes, and salad.
  • Dinner: Sweet potato stuffed with hot peppers, vegetables, and sliced ​​avocado.


  • breakfast: poached eggs and asparagus wrapped in prosciutto.
  • Lunch: ground meat served with cabbage.
  • Dinner: Cod and broccoli.


  • Breakfast: A smoothie made of pears, peaches, apples, bananas, avocado and parsley.
  • Lunch: smoked salmon with asparagus.
  • Dinner: Grilled chicken served with cranberries and vegetables.


  • breakfast: Poached eggs in a spicy tomato sauce.
  • Lunch: a burger made with turkey and bacon, served with coriander sauce.
  • Dinner: Duck meat and steamed vegetables.


  • Breakfast: avocado stuffed with crab, shrimp, and red pepper.
  • Lunch: half-baked zucchini stuffed with minced meat in tomato sauce.
  • Dinner: soup made with beef, pumpkin, onions, and mushrooms.

Whole 30 snacks ideas:

Snacking is a great way to stay energized and active throughout the day and counter hunger between meals.

Allowed options in the following diet include: 

Whole 30 snacks don’t include unhealthy options like chocolate, even if all of its ingredients meet the requirements.

  • Banana chips or avocado
  • Apple slices with peanut butter
  • Banana ice cream made with frozen bananas 
  • Asparagus.
  • Almond milk.
  • Bacon.
  • Watermelon.
  • Carrot with almond butter Sprinkled with spices.
  • Boiled eggs.
  • Fig stuffed with walnut.
  • Coconut milk frozen with fruit.

These Whole 30 snacks are on the whole 30 food list and are convenient options that aim to maintain energy levels and reduce hunger between meals.

If you can’t drink your morning coffee with your friends, go to lunch with colleagues, or order whole30 smoothies or whole30 foods from the menu that align with the whole 30 rules. It’s hard to follow a diet when you live in a city where social life is built on food but still, you can succeed.

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