Intermittent Fasting Food List

Intermittent Fasting Food List can guide you with your food choices to make you fully prepared before fasting. With the growing concern about health being greater than ever, many people have started experimenting diets and exercises. Intermittent fasting is a diet that does not require counting calories, focusing on different types of food or even cooking. There are several variants out there but here is what you need to know in order to start trying intermittent fasting today. For starters, you need to consume between 500 and 600 calories a day (for men) or around 400 calories for women. You should stick to normal food, except that you’ll need to cut down on fat and avoid sugar. You can also reduce your caloric intake even further if you only eat between 200-400 calories at most three times a day. All in all, you’re probably lose around 1-2 pounds per week.

Check out intermittent fasting cappuccino.

Your Ultimate Guide For Intermittent Fasting Food List

The best food to eat while on an intermittent fasting diet is one that is low in sugar and carbohydrates. Opt for lean protein sources and healthy fats like olive oil, nuts, and seeds. Check out 9 Vegan protein sources.

Vegetables are also a good choice, especially dark, leafy greens. All foods that contain carbs, sugars, or fats should be avoided. Be sure to include plenty of protein to keep your body running smoothly.

It doesn’t take much food for your body to burn calories and the calorie calculator on our website will let you know what portion size you need to eat.

What Foods to Eat Before Fasting Period On Intermittent Fasting? Check out.

Healthy low-carb foods include:

1. Water

Water is essential for the health of almost all of your body’s major organs. Avoiding this as part of your fast would be stupid. Your organs play a critical role in keeping you alive.

The amount of water that each individual should drink depends on their gender, height, weight, degree of exercise, and climate.

the colour of your urine is a good indicator. At all times, you want it to be pale yellow.

Dehydration, which can induce headaches, weariness, and lightheadedness, is indicated by dark yellow urine. When you combine it with a lack of food, you’ve got a recipe for disaster – or, at the very least, extremely dark pee.

If plain water doesn’t appeal to you, try adding a squeeze of lemon juice, a few mint leaves, or cucumber slices to it.

10 Fasting Food Benefits: Why Fasting is Good for Your Health and diet.


Eating the highest-calorie fruit while attempting to reduce weight may seem paradoxical. Avocados, on the other hand, will keep you full throughout even the most hard fasting times due to their high unsaturated fat content.

Unsaturated fats, according to research, help keep your stomach full even when you don’t feel hungry.

Your body sends out signals that it doesn’t need to go into emergency hunger mode since it has adequate nourishment. Even if you’re hungry in the middle of a fasting period, unsaturated fats keep sending these signal for longer period.

Another study discovered that including half an avocado in your lunch will keep you satisfied for up to three hours longer than if you don’t eat the green, mushy vegetables.

How long should I do intermittent fasting to lose weight?

3. Seafood and fish

There’s a reason why the American Dietary Guidelines recommend two to three 4-ounces of fish per week.

In addition to being high in healthy fats (omega-3) and protein, it is also high in vitamin D.

And if you prefer to eat during restricted window times, don’t you want to get more nutritional bang for your buck when you do?

You’ll never run out of ways to prepare fish because there are so many options.

Check out plant based omega 3 vs fish.

4.Cruciferous vegetables

It’s critical to eat fiber-rich foods at regular intervals to keep you regular and ensure that your poop factory runs efficiently.

Fiber can also make you feel full, which is beneficial if you won’t be able to eat for another 16 hours.

Cruciferous vegetables can also help you avoid cancer.

Check out 8 hour fast meal plan menu.

5. Potatoes

Repeat after us: White foods aren’t all awful.

In the 1990s, research discovered that potatoes were one of the most satiating foods.

According to a 2012 study found that including potatoes in a healthy diet can aid weight loss. (Sorry, but potato chips and french fries don’t count.)

We looked into the relationship between potatoes and blood sugar.

6. Legumes and beans

Food, primarily carbohydrates, provides energy for physical activity. We’re not suggesting you go crazy with carbs, but include low-calorie carbs like beans and legumes in your diet can’t hurt. This can help you stay awake during your fasting period.

Furthermore, meals like chickpeas, black beans, peas, and lentils have been demonstrated to help people lose weight even when they aren’t on a diet.

7. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria.

What do the little critters in your gut prefer to eat the most? Both consistency and variety are important. When they’re hungry, this suggests they’re not pleased. And if your gut isn’t happy, you can get some unpleasant side effects, such as constipation.

Add probiotic-rich foods to your diet, such as kefir, kombucha, and sauerkraut, to combat this discomfort.

Learn more about Probiotics Benefits For Weight Loss.


These smoothie essentials are packed with vitamins and minerals. That’s not even the most exciting aspect.

Persons who ate a lot of flavonoids, such as those found in blueberries and strawberries, had lower BMI rises over a 14-year period than people who didn’t eat berries, according to a 2016 study.

Check out this keto blackberry smoothie recipe.


One big egg has 6.24 grammes of protein and takes only minutes to cook. And, especially when you’re eating less, obtaining as much protein as possible is critical for staying full and growing muscle.

Men who ate an egg for breakfast instead of a bagel were less hungry and ate less during the day, according to a 2010 study.

10. Nuts and seeds

Although nuts are heavier in calories than many other snacks, they do include something that other snacks do not: healthy fats.

Also, don’t be concerned about calories! According to a 2012 study, a 1-ounce serving of almonds (about 23 nuts) contains 20% fewer calories than the label claims.

Chewing does not entirely break down the cell walls of almonds, according to the study. This keeps a portion of the nut intact and prevents it from being absorbed by your body during digestion. As a result, eating almonds may not make as much of a difference in your daily calorie intake as you may think.

Check out Intermittent Fasting 20/4 VS 16/8

11. Whole grains

Dieting and carbohydrate consumption seem to belong in two different categories. This isn’t always the case, as you’ll be relieved to know. Because whole grains are high in fibre and protein, a small amount will keep you satisfied for a long time.

So get out of your comfort zone and try farro, bulgur, spelt, kamut, amaranth, millet, sorghum, or freekeh, a whole-grain nirvana.

22 Worst Foods to Eat When Intermittent Fasting (Don’t eat or LIMIT)

I’ve created a list of the foods I’ve found to be most beneficial and the ones that are least beneficial for intermittent fasting. I’ve added a short note on the ones that are a speciality food.

Do not eat or limit:

1- White bread (processed grain has too much thiamine).

2- Refined sugar (poor liver detox). Is Intermittent Fasting Safe For Diabetics? check out.

3- Cheese, especially processed cheese (If you are lactose intolerant). Check out Lactose intolerance diet list.

4- Wholemeal bread (high gluten).

5- Chocolate (high epicatechin – not vegan).

6- Sweetcorn, soft fruit and root vegetables (high fructose corn syrup).

7-Bananas (high starch).

8- Beans (full of lectins).

9- Cow’s milk (too much chemicals).

10- Processed potatoes, sweet potatoes and white flour/flour foods.

11- Coffee (caffeine can make you crash)

12- Bran muffins (high carb, low fibre)

13- Pork/bacon/ham (high insulin and addictive hormones).

14- Celery (high water content which can make you prone to blo ating)

15- Tomatoes (high bile acid which can lead to digestive problems). Why are tomatoes bad for you?

16- Almonds (high phytic acid which can make you prone to blo ating).

17- Processed grains , refined flours and sugar.

18- Refined oils, trans fats and unhealthy cooking fats.

19- Grapes (high fructose).

20- Anchovies (high bile acid which can lead to digestive problems).

21- Raw honey (only use in small amounts as it is a natural sugar and can cause bloating).

22- Salty snacks (high sodium).

And in the midst of all this, there are changes that we want and need to make. Make up at least half your plate with a high-fibre vegetable (corn, peas, beans) Choose an extra low-fat protein source Choose an extra non -fat or fat-free dressing. Choose nuts (no more than 15 grams) only have the best quality oil for cooking and for salad dressings (olive oil).


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