How Oatmeal Can Help You Fight PCOS?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that can cause irregular periods, excess hair growth, and acne. It affects about 1 in 10 women of childbearing age. There is no cure for PCOS, but there are treatments that can help manage the symptoms. One of the best ways to manage PCOS is through diet. A healthy diet can help regulate hormones and insulin levels, which can in turn help with PCOS symptoms. Oatmeal is a great food to include.

Check out more posts about PCOS diet

Is oatmeal good for PCOS?

There is some evidence to suggest that oatmeal may be beneficial for women with PCOS. One study found that eating oatmeal helped to lower levels of testosterone and improve insulin sensitivity in women with PCOS.

Related; Insulin Resistance Diet to lose weight

Benefits of Oats for PCOS

There are many benefits of oats for PCOS, including the fact that they are a whole grain. This means that they are packed with nutrients like fiber, protein, and vitamins.

Rich in fiber

The fiber in oats also helps promote digestive health. There are many types of oats, and the type that is best for PCOS is called steel-cut oats.

Oats are well-known for their high fibre content, particularly beta-glucan. They’re also packed with essential vitamins and minerals for PCOS sufferers.

Water does not dissolve insoluble fibre, on the other hand. Instead, it absorbs water, which keeps the faeces firm and allows it to travel smoothly through the intestines. As a result, insoluble fibre is frequently prescribed for constipation relief.

Insulin resistance affects approximately 70% of women with PCOS. This is a disorder in which the body’s cells have trouble absorbing glucose from the blood, resulting in a sugar build-up in the circulation.

Furthermore, a large percentage of women with PCOS have high levels of LDL “bad” cholesterol and low levels of HDL “good” cholesterol. This combination of high bad cholesterol and low good cholesterol raises the risk of heart disease and other disorders.

Oats have been shown in studies to help decrease blood sugar and cholesterol levels. This is because the soluble fibre in oats delays the absorption of fat and sugar.

Oats include 8.2 grammes of fibre per half cup. Women should consume 25 grammes of fibre each day.

A Vitamin B Source

B vitamins are plentiful in oats. There are eight B vitamins, each with a distinct function in the body. Women who want to reverse their PCOS should consume all B vitamins.

Increases progesterone levels in your body

Low levels of progesterone are common in women with PCOS. Ovulation failure is the reason of low progesterone levels. Taking B vitamins is one approach to boost progesterone levels.

Depression and anxiety are less likely to occur.

Depression and anxiety are another risk factor associated with PCOS. Vitamin B6 can increase the amount of serotonin produced in the brain. This chemical can aid with sadness and anxiety as well as boost mood.

Aids in Fatigue Relief

Fatigue is a typical symptom of PCOS. Vitamin B deficiency has been linked to increased weariness, thus incorporating vitamin B in your diet will help reduce this and boost your energy levels.

Reduce insulin resistance

B vitamins can help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce insulin levels, in addition to the fibre in oats.

Researchers discovered that B vitamins treated insulin resistance better than metformin, a common therapy for the illness. Furthermore, the study discovered that B vitamins improved pregnancy rates.

Rich in Minerals

Selenium, magnesium, and zinc are essential minerals for the body, but they are frequently lacking in women with PCOS.

Benefits of selenium for PCOS

Selenium has been demonstrated to aid in the treatment of a variety of PCOS symptoms. Selenium decreased DHEA (a male hormone that is commonly elevated in women with PCOS), helped with excessive hair growth, and reduced inflammation in the body, according to a research. Oats, which contain this important mineral, can help regulate hormones and naturally reverse PCOS.

Benefits of magnesium for PCOS

Women with PCOS are more likely to experience chronic long-term stress, which can lead to magnesium deficiency. Getting adequate magnesium aids the adrenals, which become weary during stressful times.

Benefits of zinc for PCOS

Finally, oats are high in zinc. Hair loss is a typical sign of PCOS. Researchers discovered that PCOS patients with hair loss had insufficient zinc levels. A deficit causes the hair follicles’ protein structure to deteriorate and eventually fall out. Zinc is an important element to incorporate in a PCOS diet to promote hair and reverse PCOS and its symptoms.

As you can see, oats are beneficial to those with PCOS. Unfortunately, not all oats are created equally. Some oats are more processed than others, and because around 70% of women with PCOS also have insulin resistance, caution should be exercised while selecting oats.

Oats help you lose weight

Oats are a great source of fiber, which is essential for weight loss. They also help to regulate blood sugar levels, which can help to prevent cravings and overeating. Oats can also help support regularity, which can be difficult for women with PCOS.

Incorporating oats into your diet is a great way to add fiber, protein, and healthy fats while losing weight and maintaining the condition of your skin and hair. Oats can be eaten plain or toasted. Toasting the oats increases the amount of beta-glucan, which has a beneficial effect on gut health.

The Best Way to Eat Oats for PCOS

There are many benefits to eating oats if you have PCOS. Oats are a whole grain and are packed with fiber, which can help regulate your blood sugar levels.

They are also a good source of protein and can help you feel fuller longer. The best way to eat oats for PCOS is to cook them in water or milk and add a little honey or sugar for sweetness. Remember, if you’re trying to lose weight, every little bit counts.

So, including oatmeal in your diet can be a great way to add extra nutrition to your day while also helping you feel full for longer. While oats are a great addition to your diet, if you don’t tolerate them well, there are other options.

Oat types for PCOS

There are three main types of oats that can be beneficial for women with PCOS:

  • Steel-cut: this type has the least amount of processing and contain the most fiber, which can help regulate blood sugar levels.
  • Rolled oats: these are a bit more processed but still maintain a good amount of fiber. Quick oats are the most processed type of oat and have the least amount of fiber.
  • Instant oats: For quick preparation, instant oatmeal is partially cooked and dried. Instant oats, contrary to common assumption, have the same nutritional advantages as normal oats.

What is the best oatmeal for PCOS?

There are many different types of oatmeal, and each one has its own unique benefits.

However, when it comes to oatmeal and PCOS, there is one type that stands out above the rest.

This type of oatmeal is called steel-cut oats, and it has been shown to be incredibly beneficial for women with PCOS. As we said before, steel-cut oats are a type of whole grain oatmeal that has been minimally processed. They have a long, shaggy appearance and feel rough in texture.

Is oats a good breakfast for PCOS?

1. Combine oats, oat bran, and wheat germ in a large bowl.

2. Cover oats with 6 cups of water and soak overnight or at least 8 hours.

3. Drain the oats and rinse under cold water.

4. Return the oats to the large bowl and add in all the other ingredients, including almond milk, vanilla extract, cinnamon, salt, and honey.

5. Stir well and add more water if necessary.

For additional nutrition you can add flax and chia seeds to this oatmeal.