Low-carb Blackberry Icecream Recipe

This low-carb Blackberry Icecream recipe is made for Low-carb and keto diet followers.

You won’t miss ice-cream again if you are on keto. Well, I know you probably won’t find this low-carb keto-friendly ice-cream option outdoor, so, why not make it simple as much as we can if we will prepare it ourselves?

Homemade Low-Carb Blackberry Icecream

However, I’ll tell you one more reason to convince you totally to prepare your ice-cream at home; you can’t be sure what are the exact ingredients added from products outside. As a result, preparing food at home makes sure 100% you know what exactly you are eating.

Also, you better prepare your own keto whipping cream, here is the recipe.

Check out more keto recipes, ;

Then, what is awesome about this recipe?? Well, it’s not ready in 30 minutes like any other recipe I prefer, though, It doesn’t require many ingredients, and still simple to prepare.

Fortunately, this recipe has only 6 gm carbohydrates, not too good nor too bad, acceptable.Low-Carb Blackberry Ice cream

Prep Time; 20 minutes
Passive Time; 3 hours 
Servings 8servings

– 1 Liter half and half, this is a whole thickened milk, just make sure it’s unsweetened.
– 1 Liter whipping cream
– 1-1/2 cup Splenda
– 6 egg yolks
– 1/3 tsp Salt
– 2 tbsp vanilla extract
– 30-ounce blackberries, make sure the blackberries are fresh


  1. In a large pot, add together the first five ingredients and heat until a mild boil.
  2. Remove the pot from heat and leave to chill for 10 minutes.
  3. Add vanilla extract to the mixture and mix well.
  4. In a blender, add blackberries and blend for 2 minutes.
  5. Divide the mixture into 8 small bowls, then leave to cool for not less than 3 hours.


Nutrition information per serving:.
  • Calories: 201.
  • Total Fat: 18.7 g.
  • Total Carbohydrates: 6g.